Widget Use
Creates the content of the email notifying a B2C user they have to authenticate their email address after they register on your site.Example of Widget Use
Where can the Widget be placed?
The widget can be used in the following templates:
- B2C Registration Verification Required Email
Widget Options
Option | Use | Comments | Available from Version |
Description | A short description of the widget's use. | We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page. | All |
Layer | The layer the widget is valid for. | The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences. This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user or if the same widget is required for more than one audience but different configurations are needed. The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature determines which audience can see each widget. | All |
Include Surname | Determines whether the Surname of the user is included when they are initially addressed | Default: disabled Tick to enable | 4.27 |
Verification email message | The main message of the email | Default: 'Thank you for registering for {0} on {1} {2}. Please click on the link below to verify your email address.' Placeholders: {0} - name of your business or online store {1} - date {2} - time | 4.27 |
Verification Link Timeout Message | The text that informs the user they must click on the verification link within a set number of minutes before the link expires | Default: 'For your security, this link will expire {0} from the time this email is sent.' {0} - the number of minutes set when Registration Verification options were configured. | 4.27 |
Verification Link Label | The text for the verification link the user clicks on | Default: 'Verify Email Address' | 4.27 |
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