New Features

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    Individual Article Template Customisation You can now bypass built-in article templates and create your very own custom template layouts for articles. Assign them to individual articles as you please.  
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    Product Maintenance Search Filters We've added a filter feature to Product Maintenance search! You can now narrow search results to products that fit a certain status. Adding a filter can help you find a specified group of products more quickly. For instance, set the filter to list only products that are 'active', or 'inactive', on your site. Want to check which items currently have no image, title or SEO URL? Want to remove a ribbon because an offer has finished? Select the 'has ribbon' filter. You can also add custom filter options.  
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    OG Images For Custom Pages Embedding OG images in social media shareable links to custom pages is now supported. Add an OG image to give social media viewers a visual teaser of what they will see if they click the link.
