What is Lucene?

Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured, open source text search engine. (for more information see www.lucene.net). It is the engine used for many commercially available search solutions.

Originally developed in Java, Lucene has been ported to Microsoft's .NET platform through a project called Lucene.NET.

Lucene's features include:

How is Lucene Used in the Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform?

Many search solutions based on Lucene are run externally from the source web site. In other words, web site administrators need to provide a data feed to the external service so that catalogue data can be indexed. Then integration is required to be developed to allow switching between the main web site and the third party search web site.

With Customer Self Service, Lucene.NET has been implemented directly into the application codebase.

This provides the following advantages:

Features of the Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform Lucene Implementation

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