
The product categories on your website are usually integrated from your ERP, but if it suits your business processes, you can bypass PRONTO and opt for 100% online category maintenance.

In order to maintain categories online:

Once the above conditions are met, you're ready to maintain your product categories in the CMS! 


Getting Started

To access Category Maintenance, login to the CMS and navigate to 'Products & Categories' → 'Category Maintenance'.  

The page will look something like this: 

Here, you can either search for the category you wish to edit, or you can use paging to navigate through the list. To make changes to a category, click 'Edit'.


Editing a Category

The various sections of the Category Maintenance screen are detailed below.

Category Information

This section displays the category information integrated from PRONTO.

Category CodeThis field is not editable via the CMS and is shown for reference only.
DescriptionThis is your category name. It will appear on the category list page, and at the top of the product list when users drill down to view the category.

The text in this field will be displayed if the 'Show Category Subtitle' option is ticked on the Product List Title Widget (found on the Product List page template). 

HiddenTick this option to exclude this category from your site's menu or category list. 
Category Image

Assign an image to your category using the 'Select or Upload Image' option. 

  1. A modal window will open, allowing you to browse to or upload an image: 
  2. The image you assign will appear on the category list page of the website: 



SEO Settings

Search engine-friendly URL, Page Title, and Description tags for the category are maintained here.  

These values are normally auto-generated on first integration. You may edit any of these values as required and they will not be overwritten on subsequent integration events.  

SEO UrlThe user- and search engine-friendly URL for the category page.

Here's an example of these SEO settings in the real world.

The Commerce Vision Blog is obviously not a product category, but the principles are the same.

Page Title TagThe title that displays on search engine results pages, just above the URL.  
Meta Description TagThe blurb that displays under the Title and URL.




Category Banner

In this section, you can add a banner image to display on the category page. Add a title, some text, and an image. 

Category Banner Data in CMSResulting Output

Display banners on your category pages by adding a Category Banner Widget to the Product List Template.

Custom Fields 

If you have created any custom fields for the Category table (and they are marked 'active'), the maintenance area will display here. 

If there are no active custom fields in your Product table, this section will not render. 

Need more information? See How To Add Custom Fields To Products and Categories.



Mega Menu Zone

If your website uses a Mega Menu (rather than a Navigation Menu), you can edit the content to display around the menu edges here. For example, you may wish to add images to the top of each menu item, links or other content. 

Content editing is available for all four sides (Top, Bottom, Left, Right).  In the example below, we have added an image to the Top zone of the category 'Sports & Outdoors'. 

Mega Menu Zone Data in CMSResulting Output

Please note - this section will only be displayed if you have enabled it in the Feature Settings. To do so, navigate to SettingsFeature Settings and click Edit on the Category Maintenance feature. Tick the zones you wish to edit content for, and 'Save & Exit'.