
For Best Practice Design sites on version 3.75+, the Commerce Vision CMS provides access to new layout templates, widgets, and web-based product and category maintenance.

The CMS also links to all of the existing/legacy administration pages, such as Settings, Menu Editor, and Preferences.

Before creating a new CMS user, it is important that the user exists as an Administrator on the Website. As long as the CMS User and Website user share the same email address, the link will be automatic and the Administrator's experience with both interfaces will be seamless.

Follow the guide below to create both the Website Administrator and CMS User logins. 


Step-by-step guide

First, create the user as a Website Administrator: 

  1. Login to the CMS.
  2. Navigate to Users --> Website Users
  3. Click 'Add New User'.
  4. Populate the user's Name and Email Address fields.
  5. Assign an Account code
  6. Set the 'Initial Role' to 'Website Administrator'.
  7. Click 'Save & Exit'.


Next, create the CMS user: 

  1. In the CMS, navigate to Users --> CMS Users.
  2. Click 'Add New User'
  3. Populate the required fields, ensuring that:
  4. The 'Organisation ID' field should be pre-filled with your organisation name. There is no need to edit. 
  5. Click 'Add New Site' and select the website from the 'Site Name' drop-down list.
    • If the user will require access to multiple sites (e.g. Live and Stage), repeat the above step. Remember, the user will need an Administrator login on each website you add here.
  6. Click 'Save & Exit'
  7. Click either the confirmation message or the 'Manage Roles' button to configure the user's CMS roles.

  8. Tick 'Administrator' and any other applicable roles, and click 'Save'


Have the user login to the website with their Administrator credentials before attempting the first CMS login. This is so that access can be validated and legacy pages will load correctly once the user logs into the CMS.

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