The Pricing Method in Customer Self Service should match your ERP system. 

There are 3 methods: First, Best, Standard. Please refer to your ERP documentation for explanations of each.

Step-by-step guide

To change pricing method in CSS:

  1. Login as an administrator
  2. Navigate to the 'Settings' Page
  3. Select on the 'Integration' tab
  4. Select on the 'Items' tab
  5. In the 'Items' tab there should be a field called 'Pricing Method' change this field to whatever is being set in ERP.



To determine the pricing rule in ERP:

Under sales order pricing method:

A: Get the first valid price

B: Get the best price

C: Check for stock contract file for qty break prices

M: Qty break prices are incremental rates only

F: Use the item cost and apply customer markup percentage

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