There are several Promotion Code Tokens which can be inserted into templates to display Promotion-related data. This document aims to define those tokens.

Token IDDescriptionScreenshot label
PromotionCodeThe unique Promotion Code entered in the Coupon field during checkout.1
DescriptionThe description displayed once a promotion code is successfully applied to the sales order.2
SoPromotionalOrderTotalAmountThe sales order total, after taxes and discounts have been applied.3
SoPromotionalTaxAmountThe tax amount applied to the sales order.4
SoPromotionalDiscountAmountThe promotional discount amount applied to the sales order.5
SoPromotionalDiscountAmountExGSTThe promotional discount amount, less GST.Not shown
SoPromotionalDiscountTaxAmountThe GST component of the the promotional discount amount.Not shown
SoPromotionalDiscountAmountIncGSTThe promotional discount amount applied to the sales order, without rounding.Not shown

Promotion Code Tokens - examples of use

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