
We've made all the data for the current logged in user available to sellers in Google Tag Manager. This can be powerful for sellers wanting to match conversion from advertising campaigns, like Adwords for example. If the buyer's email, name or phone number is the same in the marketing channel as it is in CV, then these conversions can be attributed, and in turn campaigns success can be measured.

This is available in version 4.41+

Before You Begin

Ensure you've setup Setup GA4 via Google Tag Manager

Pulling data into Tag Manager

  1. Head to Google Tag Manager

  2. Select Tag Manager account correlating to the site you're aiming to pull user data from

  3. Click Variables > New > JavaScript Variable and enter $cv.csscurrentUser., then append the following variable based on what you're hoping to use in Tag Manager (`emailAddress`, firstName , surname , phoneNumber , roleName , customerCode , catalogue )

  4. Hit Save and then Publish the workspace

  5. You can verify the data was pulled by clicking "Preview"

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