
Allows your trade customers to create an order via upload one or more prepared CSV files or data copy and paste of product codes and quantities. Useful for large organisations with centralised ordering processes. Requests by different staff or departments in multiple csv files can be uploaded and will be submitted as one order.  

Order Import allows your customers to create an order via upload of a prepared CSV files or copy and paste of product code/quantity data. It is aimed at reducing data entry and increasing seamlessness for larger organisations that place orders with your business centrally. The purchasing officer or similar can upload one or more files with lists of product codes and quantities requested by multiple staff or departments. Or they can simply copy and paste this data into the textbox on the page. Both import methods will convert the data into cart items of a single order.   

Order Import - Commerce Vision

Step-by-step guide

CSV file import

To create an order from imported data:

  1. Have one or more .csv files with requested product details, or prepare the data for copy and pasting.
    • CSV file: An order line is created from data in the first two columns. Use the first column for the Product Code (or APN), and the second, for Order Quantity. DO NOT include a header row.
       Order Import - CSV file sample
    • Flat text data: Copy and paste data are ordered in this way: Product Code (or APN), Order Quantity

  2. When logged into the website, go to DashboardOrder Import.

  3. Click Select Files to browse to the saved .csv files, or drag and drop files from your local directory into the selection box.
    • NOTE - To enable multiple file selection, toggle ON Allow Multiple Files in the Order Import widget. Data from all files will be uploaded to the cart. (Multiple orders will not be created).

  4. Click Import Files

  5. Check the Import Log for data analysed, as well as any errors encountered (e.g., invalid product codes).

  6. Check that imported items are in the Shopping Cart.  

    If there were errors in your data and your cart is empty, you can ask us to update the default import behaviour setting. When the 'Order Import Skip Errors' flag is enabled the invalid lines will be ignored and the rest of the data will be imported.

  7. Proceed to checkout. 

  8. Repeat Steps 1-8 for subsequent orders as required. 

Data Copy and Paste method 

Instead of uploading .csv files, you can also enter or paste data (Product Code,Quantity) into the Data Import box. 

Example: CV200,5

Additional Information


Order Import

Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function

Ordering Functions

BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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