
From time to time, your B2B customers may have products on backorder with you. Browsing your site, they might be inclined to place another order for backordered products, forgetting that it's already due to be delivered once it's back in stock. While another order placed is good for business, a costly return when the customer realises they've over-ordered is not.

Fortunately, BPD websites can display the quantity of backordered product a customer has as they browse your site. This content can be shown on the product list (search results, category browsing), the product detail page, and the order lines (cart). This article details how to implement this feature on your own BPD website.

Product ListProduct Detail

Step-by-step guide

Before you begin, you'll need the setting 'Enable BackOrder Qty Calc On Products' updated for your site.

Displaying a customer's backordered quantity for every product does entail additional performance overhead. Contact Commerce Vision if you'd like this flag switched on. 

Once the function has been enabled, you can update your widgets! 

Start by enabling the option on the Product Detail page:

  1. In the CMS, navigate to Content → Standard Pages
  2. Select the Product Detail template. 
  3. Edit the Product Purchase Details widget. 
  4. Tick the option to 'Show Quantity on Back Order?'.
  5. Click 'Save'.


Then, add the widget to the zoned Product List:  

  1. Now navigate to Content → Standard Pages.
  2. Select the Product List Item Zoned template. 
  3. Locate the appropriate zone (we chose just above the Add to Cart button), and click 'Add Widget'. 
  4. Search for 'Product List Qty On Back Order' and click Add Widget
  5. Drag the widget to the appropriate spot in the zone, if required. 
  6. Edit the widget if you wish to change the default label or configure other options, then Save. 


Last, add the new widget to the Cart:

  1. Still in the CMS, navigate to ContentStandard Pages
  2. Select the Order Lines Info template. 
  3. Click 'Add Widget'. 
  4. Search for 'Order Line Qty On Back Order' and click Add Widget.
  5. Edit the widget if you wish to change the default label or configure other options, then Save.


And that's it! Now, logged in customers can easily see the products they have on backorder as they shop your website. 

Please note - this feature is not compatible with sites using Live Pricing and Live Order Search.

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