Check the customer code, product code, and quantity to be entered and the full price calculation logic be be displayed. This comes in handy if there is a price discrepancy between your ERP System and the website. 

The first step to check pricing between your ERP System and the website is to enter a sales order in your ERP System for the exact same combination as what is being tested on the website. This way, the correct price will be compared.

Step-by-step guide

To check how the price is calculated for a customer and product combination:

  1. As administrator on your website, go to Preferences → Tools.
  2. In the Pricing Calculation Matrix, enter the Product Code, Quantity and Customer Code.
  3. Click Price Matrix.

Pricing Matrix Calculation tool

The calculation results will be displayed:

Price Matrix - example of result output

Explanation of Results:

Understanding Live Price Cache

"Live Price Cache Data" shows if the web application has cached the price. Each time a customer views a product on the web site, the system first of all looks at the price cache to check if a non-expired record exists. If it does, the price will be used. If no cache record exists, a full calculation of the price is performed and stored in the price cache. Using a price cache quickens the response time of the website as complex pricing rules do not have to be calculated every time the products are viewed. By default the price cache is set to 60 minutes but this is fully configurable. The Commerce Vision support team can change this setting.

This means that if a price change has been made in PRONTO and it has been integrated to your Commerce Vision website, it may not be effective yet as the previous price might still be in the cache file. The yellow highlight will show if the cached price is being used as per the above image. 

To clear the pricing cache and force the new pricing to take effect immediately, click the "Clear Pricing Data" button (See: How do I Reset the Price Cache).

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