This article aims to describe the different property fields that are involved when creating a new template. 


Step-by-step guide

Template Type: 

Group Templates

Group templates are used to display lists of products when browsing categories. When viewing a list of products in a category then way the products are listed is defined using a 'Group Template'. a Group Template can be set at the following levels:


Product Templates

Product Templates are used to display the product details. When viewing a product, the layout of the product's details is defined using a 'Product Template'. A product template can be set at the following levels:


Navigation Templates

Navigation templates are used for defining the menu and navigational links around the content on the site. The navigation templates can be set at the following levels.

Page Templates

Page templates are used for Custom pages and content pages such as the home page. Custom pages can be displayed with or without navigation controls, this allows a custom page to be displayed with a completely different look to the rest of the site.

Email Templates

All system generated emails can be templated using an Email type template. This allows the email to be customised with company logo and fonts or to match emails from another system.


Parsed Template Caching Mode:

Data Sources: 


Widget names:


Invoke Type: Allows campaigns to be setup as Sub Templates. 


PDF Orientation: Layout orientation of either Portrait or Landscape.


Word Template: Specific documents generated in Microsoft Word may be added here to generate templates.


Disable Design Mode: If selected design mode tab of the editor will be disabled and switched to html view. 

Request Cached Data Source Mode: Specifies if and how this template will cache it's data sources, either 'cache all data' or just from 'sources'.

Content Type: The template editor page should only be allowed to run templates of a certain "content type", this restriction can be managed in this field. User can set the content type of the template to either be 'Content' or 'Layout'.


You may also want to use visual panels to communicate related information, tips or things users need to be aware of.

Related articles appear here based on the labels you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels.