Display Customer’s Currency

It can be confusing making purchases from international sites when the consumer is unsure of the currency in which the site transacts.

We’ve made it easier for buyers to know exactly in what currency the products are displayed.

How does it work?

When a consumer logs into a site that transacts in the same currency as the country in which the consumer resides, then the system will not display a currency message.

 1.  A customer, whose customer code is registered in Australia, logs in to an Australian hosted website to purchase goods.

 2.  The website and the customer are both in Australia, therefore the transactions will occur in Australian dollars, so the system will not display a currency message.

3.  When a customer whose customer code is registered to a non-Australian country, such as Germany, logs into the website the system will recognise that their currency is different to that in which the site transacts, so it will display a relevant currency message: PRICES ARE DISPLAYED IN EUR.

The customer can be confident that the displayed product prices are what they will pay at the checkout, and they won’t get any currency conversion surprises when they see their credit card or bank statement.

Additional Information

If you'd like to take advantage of this currency display feature for your site, please contact our Support Team.

Minimum Version Requirements




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Business Function

Marketing Finance IT OPPs

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B2B / B2C / Both

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Feature Description

(Written for our customers and can be pasted into comms sent to them)

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Self Configurable

Ballpark Hours
From CV

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Ballpark Hours
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