
In Customer Self Service, the option to pay by credit card can be toggled on and off at the Customer level.  This is especially helpful where some customers allow payment by Corporate Credit Card, where others prefer orders to go on Account to be reconciled at a later date.

Step-by-step guide

To enable Credit Card Payment at the Customer Level:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Accounts' --> 'Account Selection' (zAccounts.aspx)
  3. Search for the required Customer either by Customer Code or Name.
  4. Select the Customer record via radio button.
  5. Click the 'Credit Card' link.
  6. Verify that the setting 'Credit Card Payments for Orders' now displays as 'Yes'.

Account Selection - Credit Card flag

Related help

Related articles appear here based on the labels you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels.

Additional Information

 For assistance with sites not already accepting Credit Cards, please contact Commerce Vision Support.

 Turning Credit Card Payments On for Customers

Minimum Version Requirements



Please note that the website must be configured to process Credit Card payments before the Customer setting will have any effect.

Self Configurable


Business Function

Payment Types

BPD Only?




Ballpark Hours From CV (if opting for CV to complete self config component)

Contact CV Support

Ballpark Hours From CV (in addition to any self config required)


Third Party Costs

Fees may Apply

CMS Category

 CMS Category