Widget Use

Displays the summary of the cart by showing the total cost of all items in the cart as well as the number of items in the cart. This summary also provides a link to the cart page.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionThe description of the widgetIt is recommended to use this so the reason for use of the widget is seem from the template pageAll
LayerThe layer that the widget will be shown onThe layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences. This is handy
if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than
one audience, but different configuration is needed. The widget can be added to the zone more
than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 
Cart URLThe cart URL is the address that the user will be redirected to upon clicking the cart summary button. Typically this will be /cart to redirect the user to the cartDefault is: /cart 
Cart IconThe cart icon is the small images that appears next to the total price of the items in the cart.Default is: cv-ico-general_cart 
Hide Default IconThis will allow you to not show the default icon if you have not already overridden the cart icon.

Default is: Unticked

Tick to enable

Select oneOrder Packages is the default and is the total number of items in the cart. Line count is just the number of lines in the cart.

Default is: Order Packages

Inc / Ex Tax DisplayDetermines whether tax is included in the price in the cart summary or not. If it is Inc, then tax will be included in the price in the cart summary, however, the Ex option will display the price before the inclusion of taxDefault is: CustomerDefined 
Show On Mobile?Determines if the cart summary is displayed on mobile devices

Default is: Ticked

Untick to Disable

Show Only Icon On Mobile?Determines if the number of items and total cost is included on the mobile version of the site in the cart summary. When this option is ticked the icon is the only thing displayed in the cart summary.

Default is Ticked

Untick to Disable

Right Align?The Right Align option pushes elements of the cart summary to the right

Default is Ticked

Untick to disable




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