Approve an order.

This guide is aimed at users who have been assigned to approve an order, either as a direct approver or as a proxy approver.

If you are the Approver for another User's order, you will receive a notification email. If adding Approve/Reject links in this email has been enabled, you can simply click on the relevant link depending on your decision:


Otherwise, you can access and view orders pending your decision through the Approve Orders menu item on your Dashboard

  1. Login to the website and navigate to DashboardApprove Orders (OrderApprove.aspx).

    The 'Order Approval' screen lists all orders awaiting approval.

  2. For the order, select one of the buttons:
      1. Tick the Reject box.
      2. Enter the reason for rejecting the product.
      3. Click Confirm and Reject Product.
      4. Click the Update Order button. The product will be removed from the order.
      5. If you want to approve the updated order, click the Approve button. 

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