Describe when someone would need this information. For example "when connecting to wi-fi for the first time".

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Insert your steps.
  2. You can also copy and paste or drag and drop images into your instructions.


Out of the box data

Digital Remarketing

pushed on every page

    "event": "remarketing",
	"ecomm_pagetype": "home",
	"ecomm_prodid": ["ProductCode", "ProductCode"] or "ProductCode",
	"ecomm_totalvalue": "99.99",
	"google_conversion_value": "99.99"


Enhanced ecommerce

Product Impressions

pushed when a product list is displayed

	"event": "enhancedEcomm",
	"event_type": "impression",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"impressions": [
			"name": "Product Description",
			"id": "ProductCode",
			"list": "list name",
			"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
			"brand": "brand name",
			"position": 1,
			"price": "99.99"


Product Clicks

pushed when clicking on a product link


	"event": "productClick",
	"ecommerce": {
		"click": {
			"actionField": {
				"list": "list name"
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"brand": "brand name",
				"price": "99.99"


User Details

There is an option to only track logged in users

pushed on every page

	"User_ID": "unique user id"



This is only for non widget questionnaires as the URL does not change after the questionnaire is submitted so a virtual URL is pushed.

Widget based questionnaires have a redirect URL after form submission

	"virtualURL": "thank you URL"


Checkout Options


	"event": "checkoutOption",
	"event_type": "checkout",
	"ecommerce": {
		"checkout_option": {
			"actionField": {
				"step": 1,
				"option": "Cart"



Pushed on successful submission of an order

	"event": "enhancedEcomm",
	"event_type": "payment",
	"ecommerce": {
		"purchase": {
			"actionField": {
				"id": 100000000,
				"revenue": 99.99,
				"tax": 9.99,
				"shipping": 10.00
		"products": [
			"name": "Product Description",
			"id": "ProductCode",
			"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
			"price": "99.99"

Login Success

pushed on a successful login


	"event": "login",
	"widgetName": "widget-name"


Logout Success

pushed on a successful logout

	"event": "logout",
	"widgetName": "widget-name"


Add to Cart

pushed on successful add to cart

	"event": "addToCart",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"add": {
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"quantity": 1,
				"brand": "brand name",
				"price": "99.99"
	"pageType": "Product List",
	"list": "Product List"


Remove from Cart

pushed when a product is removed from the cart

	"event": "removeFromCart",
	"ecommerce": {
		"currencyCode": "AUD",
		"remove": {
			"products": [
				"name": "Product Description",
				"id": "ProductCode",
				"category": "/first level/second level/third level",
				"quantity": 1,
				"price": "99.99"


Cart Updated

pushed when cart quantities are changed.

Increases trigger and "addToCart" push, while decreases trigger a "removeFromCart" push

Promo Codes

For promo codes we push success and fails when adding promo codes, we also push the removal of a promo code



	"event": "invalidPromoCode",
	"promoCode": "XXXX"


	"event": "validPromoCode",
	"promoCode": "XXXX"


	"event": "removedPromoCode",
	"promoCode": "XXXX"


View Order

Pushed when an order is viewed on the order tracking page

	"virtualURL": "/TrackOrder/ViewOrder/Order Number"


View Template

Pushed when a template is viewed on the order templates page

	"virtualURL": "/OrderTemplates/Template Name"


Extending or Overriding pushed data

If you want to push different data you can include this data by adding fields to the JSON field groups

SiteTrackerUserData-append (or SiteTrackerUserData_RoleName-append for role specific changes

SiteTrackerProductData-append (or SiteTrackerProductData_RoleName-append for role specific changes

SiteTrackerOrderData-append (or SiteTrackerOrderData_RoleName-append for role specific changes


  1. First param is the data to manipulate
  2. Second param is the type of manipulation
    1. extend
    2. override
  3. The third param is the function that will perform the manipulation
    1. The data is the raw data that can be used for manipulation (and includes the additional data from the JSON field groups described above)
    2. return an object with the properties and data to use
$.cv.css.tracker.track("userDetail", "extend", function(data) {
	return { EmailAddress: data.EmailAddress };
You may also want to use visual panels to communicate related information, tips or things users need to be aware of.

Related articles

Related articles appear here based on the labels you select. Click to edit the macro and add or change labels.