Widget Use

Renders questionnaire fields as an editable form on the page, along with an optional Captcha validation feature.

Example of Widget Use

An enquiry form:

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version

A short description of the widget's use.

We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience but different configurations are needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

TitleThe heading text displayed at the top of the questionnaire.
Title Icon

The icon displayed to the left of the heading text.

QuestionnaireThe set of fields to be displayed. This drop-down list is populated with questionnaires from Questionnaire Maintenance.
Email ToThe email address to which the form results are sent.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Show Help Icon?Determines whether to display a help icon next to a field. This can contain helpful tooltips for the user.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Email SubjectThe subject line of the email.Default: blank3.78
Email TemplateThe template used for email layout.Generally, this should be set to 'Questionnaire Results Email'3.78
Redirect RouteThe URL the user will be redirected to on successful form submission.
Button LabelThe text on the submit button.Default: Send3.78
Valid Upload TypesA comma-separated list of file extensions acceptable for upload on this questionnaire. For example: .jpg,.png,.pdf,.doc
Allow Multiple Upload FilesDetermines whether multiple files can be uploaded with one form. If disabled, only one file upload will be accepted.

Default: ON

Toggle OFF to disable

Enable Widget Lazy Load?Determines if loading the widget should be delayed until it is to be viewed. 

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Captcha Version

  • If you do not want to use the Captcha feature at all, in the dropdown list, choose Please Select...
  • If you choose reCAPTCHA v2, your site must be registered with Google reCAPTCHA and you must have valid API keys.  

The version of Captcha that is used with this widget. Select from:

Default Captcha

    • the user types in the displayed alphanumeric value
    • no API keys are required for this version to work


Depending on risk assessment results, the user will be asked to:

    • tick the "I am not a robot" checkbox
    • tick the "I am not a robot" checkbox and complete a challenge
    • do nothing, with the request validated in the background.

Default: Default Captcha

Select reCaptcha v2 to engage the robot checkbox and challenge.

reCaptcha Site Key

(For reCaptcha v2 option only)

A key generated by Google when you register a site for validation. 

Used together with the Site Secret.

 NOTE - please enter the Key here regardless of global settings.

reCaptcha Site Secret

(For reCaptcha v2 option only)

A key generated by Google when you register a site for validation.

Used together with the Site Key.

 NOTE - please enter the Secret here regardless of global settings.

reCaptcha Theme

(For reCaptcha v2 option only)

The colour scheme of the reCaptcha box.

Light or Dark.

Default: Light4.13.00
reCaptcha Size

(For reCaptcha v2 option only)

The size of the reCaptcha check box.

Normal or Compact.

Default: Normal4.13.00
reCaptcha Badge

Note: This field is not in use.


Implementation Guide

Related help