This series of training videos aims to provide you with an understanding of CMS concepts and how they are used in Commerce Vision's Customer Self Service eCommerce Platform.    

Users and Roles

Understand the difference between CMS Users and Website Users

his short video explains the difference between CMS Users and Website Users. 

The Content Management System (CMS) is the key to maintaining your Commerce Vision website behind the scenes. So a CMS user is going to be an internal staff member (or possibly an agency contractor).

In contrast, a Web user is someone who only accesses the front end of your website - in other words, your customer.

These are 2 very distinct user types, with different roles, behaviours, and access levels, so it's critical to understand the difference before diving into User Management. 

Set up and maintain CMS Users

Set up and maintain Website Users

Understand how User Groups work

Overview of Roles and how they can be used to customise the way the site behaves for different audiences

Overview of Advanced User Maintenance

Products and Categories

Understand how Categories are set up and maintained

Where does Product data come from?

Understand how Products are maintained

Understand how to assign Products to Categories

Understand how to attach documents to Products

Understand how to use Product Features to allow for filtering of Products in search results

Understand how to attach images and video to Products

Understand how to attach SEO information to Products

Campaigns & Promotions

Set up and maintain Product Campaigns

Set up and maintain Promotion (coupon) Codes - part 1 of 2

Set up and maintain Promotion (coupon) Codes - part 2 of 2


Pages & Templates

Favourite Templates

Template Zones

Template Layouts