
B2B Registration is a mechanism which allows a Wholesale customer to register for B2B access and have their account linked to a PRONTO debtor account, receiving that account's default settings (i.e. Pricing, Warehouse, Contract Information etc). 

When a customer registers, they will be asked a set of questions including:

The idea is for the customer to pre-fill their details which means the Administrator will only have to review the pre-filled information and either approve, or contact the customer for more information.

Typically on a website where B2B Registration is enabled, the customer will be directed to fill in the above information, then the following happens:

Step-by-step guide

To Approve B2B Registrations:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Customers' --> 'Advanced User Maintenance'.
  3. Search for the user name (from the email notification). 
  4. Select the record via radio button. 
  5. The 'User Details' page will load.
  6. Verify key user data, such as:
    • Customer Code
    • Initial Role After Login 
  7. If all is correct, click 'Approve User'. The user will be notified by email of the approval. 
  8. If any of the information is incorrect (e.g., Customer Code), click 'Modify' and make the necessary changes.
  9. Click 'OK' to save. 

Additional fields may be added to the B2B Registration page; contact Commerce Vision Support for assistance.

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