Versions Compared


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Our BPD design incorporates the ability to personalise what a specific end user can see on your site by factoring in who they are, how they behave, and how other customers have behaved in the past.  This can be achieved through a combination of:






Layers are used by all widgets to configure their visibility or content for a particular audience based upon who they are.

Some of the ways you can identify audiences within Layers would be to utilise conditions such as:

  • Authentication status (logged in vs. public),
  • Their Role
  • Their customer code

What is a Layer? 

Personalisation Rules

Everyone loves it when something is customised just for them. Now, you can tailor the content on your website to the Behaviour of individuals who use it.

A good example would be:


Visitor Action

:      Someone who has viewed ‘(x)



product’    or    Someone has (x) product in their cart.


:       Display a promotion offering (


y) Product at discounted


price  And/


or  Display message offering free shipping.


Offering relevant content through personalisation builds loyalty, strengthens customer relationships, and can drive sales. This guide will walk you through Personalisation in the Commerce Vision CMS.

Personalisation How To


Commerce Vision CMS - Could this be broken out into separate article?


When you login you’ll be able to select either your ‘LIVE’ or your ‘STAGE’ site.  A big part of our best practice methodology is to allow you to create all changes initially in your ‘STAGE’ site and then re-create them in your ‘LIVE’ site when you are happy.  This is also our process for upgrades so that you are able to fully test new versions prior to going ‘LIVE’.
