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MultiExcerptNameFeature Overview


Let your customers use their Microsoft Azure credentials to authenticate and sign into your website.  

Step-by-step guide

This page guides you through the configurations for Microsoft Azure Sign-In for your site. It also assumes you have access to the required Application (Client) ID and Directory (Tenant) ID, if applicable, if these have not been entered.  

Configure Microsoft Sign-in in the CMS 

  1. In the CMS, navigate to Settings → Feature Management → User

  2. If not enabled, toggle on Third Party Login.

  3. Click Configure.

  4. Scroll down to the Microsoft section. 

  5. To enable this feature, toggle ON Enabled

  6. In Application (Client) ID, enter the credentialapplication ID key, if it is not already there. 

  7. In Directory (Tenant) ID -For Single Tenant Use Only, enter the credential, key if it is not there alreadyyour application is for 'Single Tenant' (single directory), otherwise leave empty.  

  8. The Invalid User Message appears when the Microsoft User 's email is not account cannot be linked to a registered User. Change the message if you require. 

  9. The Declined Consent Message appears if the User cancels the authentication process before completing the sign in. They will be returned to the login page. Change the message if you require.

  10. To save your settings, click Save or Save & Exit.

  11. Reset the dictionary to ensure changes are made live.
  12. Check Microsoft sign-in is now available on your website.
