Widget Use

Renders map and contact information, as is commonly used on Contact Us or Store Locator pages.

Example of Widget Use

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionShort description of the widget's use.This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's use clear on the template page.All

Layer the widget is valid for.

Use layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time. 

Phone NumberValue displayed in the Phone field.
Alternate Phone NumberValue displayed in the Alternate Phone field.
Fax NumberValue displayed in the Fax field.
Email AddressValue displayed in the Email field.
StreetValue displayed for Street name and number.
SuburbValue displayed for Suburb.
StateValue displayed for State.
CountryValue displayed for Country.
Post CodeValue displayed for Postcode.
Show Map?Whether a Google map is included in the widget. The map is rendered using the Address fields, plus Longitude and Latitude values.

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

LatitudeThe latitude value, used to place the map pin.
LongitudeThe longitude value, used to place the map pin.
Override Google Map AddressOption to override the URL of the Google map if the one generated by the address and longitude/latitude entered above displays incorrectly.

This needs to be the whole URL. 

  1. On the Google Maps page, enter the location.

  2. Once the location is displayed, click Share.

  3. Click Embed a map.

  4. Copy the entire URL (what is between the iframe tags).
  5. Paste the URL into this field. NOTE - Do not include the iframe tags.

Enable widget lazyload?Whether the widget should load only when the contents are in the user's viewing screen (for faster rendering) or initially on page load.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable


TitleHeading text displayed at the top of the widget.Default: Contact Details3.78
Title IconIcon displayed to the left of the heading text.Default: cv-ico-general-mail3.78
Phone LabelLabel displayed for the Phone field.Default: Phone:3.78
Alternate Phone LabelLabel displayed for the Alternate Phone field.Default: Alternate Phone:3.92
Fax LabelLabel displayed for the Fax field.Default: Fax:3.78
Email LabelLabel displayed for the Email field.Default: Email:3.78
Address LabelLabel displayed for the Address fields.Default: Address:3.78

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