(Formerly known as the User For Customer Registration widget)

Widget Use

 Renders the message content in the User Debtor New User email. This email is triggered when User Debtor 2-way Integration has been implemented on the website and a new online user is created against an ERP customer account.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:


Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Include Surname?Determines whether the user's surname is included in the email greeting.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable


Section 1 of the message content displayed by the widget in the body of the email.

This section contains the user's login ID (which replaces the placeholder {0}.

Default is:

You are now registered for the online store.

Your login ID is: {0}

Login Message

Section 2 of the message content displayed by the widget in the body of the email.

This section contains the link for the approving user to login and review the users awaiting approval on their account.

Default is: Log in to your account by clicking {0}.


Login Link TextThe text used for the login hyperlink.Default is: login3.88
New User Password MessageThe 'click here to set your password' text sent to newly created web users. The placeholder {0} is replaced by the text in the 'Set Password Text' field.Default is: Set your password on your account by clicking {0}.3.88
Set Password Text

The text that replaces the {0} placeholder in the 'New User Password Message'.

Default is: set password3.88
Show User Exists Message?Determines whether the 'User Exists Message' is sent to existing web users whose email addresses are entered against an ERP debtor.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

User Exists MessageThe text sent to existing web users.

Default is:

We found that you are already registered for the online store.

Your login ID is: {0}




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