Widget Use

Renders order approval functionality on the Process Orders Approval page. This includes the ability to view, update, approve, and reject orders placed by other users.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:


Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Show APN Instead Of Product CodeDetermines whether the Australian Product Number is displayed in lieu of the product code.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show Discount?Determines whether the discount column is included in the order view.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Increase Quantities In Pack Qty?Forces the value in the quantity field to increase/decrease in pack quantities when using the plus/minus icons, rather than by the default quantity of 1.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Use Product Hyperlink?Determines whether the product code/description/image are hyperlinked back to the product detail page.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

GST PromptThe label used to denote tax.Default is: GST 
Approve Order Success Message

The text displayed in the approval success notification. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number.

Default is: Order {0} was successfully approved 
Approve Order Failure MessageThe text displayed in the approval fail notification. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number. Default is: Unable to approve Order {0} 
Reject Order Success MessageThe text displayed in the rejection success notification. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number. Default is: Order {0} was successfully rejected 
Reject Order Failure MessageThe text displayed in the rejection fail notification. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number. Default is: Unable to reject Order {0} 
Reject Order Mandatory Message

The text displayed when the approver attempts to reject an order without providing a reason. If the 'Rejection Note Lines' flag is enabled at the Customer or Role level, this message will display.

Default is: Error. You must enter a Rejection Note when rejecting an Order. 
Update Order Success MessageThe text displayed in the update success notification. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number. Default is: Successfully updated Order {0} 
Update Order Failure MessageThe text displayed in the update fail notification. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number. Default is: An error occured while attempting update to Order {0} 
Load Order Error MessageThe text displayed when the approver clicks to 'View' an order, but it fails to load. The placeholder '{0}' will be replaced by the order number.Default is: Unable to load Order. Order #:{0} 
Back To Orders Confirm MessageThe message text displayed when an approver edits an order and clicks 'Back to Results' without first saving the changes.Default is: Your order contains unsaved changes. Do you want to save your changes? 
Reject Order Line Mandatory MessageThe text displayed when the approver attempts to reject a product without providing a reason. If the 'Rejection Note Lines' flag is enabled at the Customer or Role level, this message will display. Default is: Error. You must enter a Line Reject Note when rejecting a Line. 
Reject All Order Lines Success MessageThe text displayed when all lines of an order have been rejected.Default is: All lines for the order (#{0} - {1} ({2})) requiring your approval have been rejected. 
Confirm Reject Order Confirm Button TextThe text on the reject button on the whole order reject confirmation popup.Default is: Reject this Order 
Confirm Reject Order Line Confirm Button TextThe text on the reject button on the product reject confirmation popup.Default is: Confirm and Reject Product 
Confirm Save Unsaved Changes Confirm Button TextThe text on the save button when the user is has navigated away without first saving changes.Default is: Save unsaved changes 
Clear Button LabelThe text on the Clear button in the order filter.Default is: Clear 
Search Button LabelThe text on the Search button in the order filter.Default is: Search 
Print Order Button LabelThe text on the Print button in the order filter.Default is: Print 
Back To Results Button LabelThe text on the Back button on the order list page.Default is: Back To Results 
Approve Order Button LabelThe text on the Approve button when in order view.Default is: Approve Order 
Reject Order Button LabelThe text on the Reject button when in order view.Default is: Reject Order 
Update Order Button LabelThe text on the Update button when in order view.Default is: Update Order 
View Button LabelThe text on the View button on the order list page.Default is: View 
Approve Button LabelThe text on the Approve button on the order list page.Default is: Approve 
Reject Button LabelThe text on the Reject button on the order list page.Default is: Reject 
Confirm Reject Order Header

The heading at the top of the whole order reject confirmation popup.

Default is: Reject This Order 
Confirm Reject Order Line Header

The heading at the top of the product reject confirmation popup.

Default is: Reject This Product 
Confirm Save Unsaved Changes Header

The heading at the top of the unsaved changes confirmation popup.

Default is: Save unsaved changes 
Confirm Reject Order LabelThe prompt text for the input field on the whole order reject confirmation popup. Default is: Reason for rejecting order: 
Confirm Reject Order Line Label

The prompt text for the input field on the product reject confirmation popup.

Default is: Reason for rejecting product 
Budget Amount Title LabelThe budget heading.Default is: Budget Statement 
Budget Amount LabelThe prompt text for the budget amount field.Default is: Budget Amount 
Budget Amount Used LabelThe prompt text for the budget amount used field.Default is: Budget Amount Used 
Budget Warning MessageThe disclaimer text for budget information.Default is: Budgeting information is only reflective of orders placed 
Budget Amount Remaining LabelThe prompt text for the budget amount remaining field.Default is: Budget Amount Remaining 
Rejected LabelThe status label for rejected products on an order.Default is: Rejected 
Reject Label

The prompt text displayed next to the product reject option on an order.

Default is: Reject 



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