Widget Use

Renders a list of the user's held orders, as well as a Search facility. From here, the user can search for, view, delete, or resume their held orders.


Example of Widget Use

Following are examples of the widget in use:

List ViewDetail View



Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Show APN Instead Of Product CodeDetermines whether the Australian Product Number is displayed instead of the product code in the order detail view.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show Discount?Determines whether the Discount column is included in the order detail view.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Increase Quantities In Pack Qty?Forces the value in the quantity field to increase/decrease in pack quantities when using the plus/minus icons, rather than by the default quantity of 1.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

In order detail view, determines whether the product image, description, and code are hyperlinked back to the product detail page.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

No Results MessageThe message text displayed to the user when a search returns 0 results.Default is: Your search returned no results 
Error Retrieving ResultsThe message text displayed to the user when the search encounters an error.Default is: There was an error retrieving your search results at this time - please try again later 
Invoice Reprint Request SuccessThe message text displayed to the user when the invoice reprint request is successful.Default is: This invoice has been requested for reprint - the request was sent to {0} 
Error With Reprint Fax Or EmailThe message text displayed to the user when the value in the Fax / Email field fails validation.Default is: Please enter either your Fax Number or valid Email Address 
Error Requesting ReprintThe message text displayed to the user when the invoice reprint request encounters an error.Default is: There was an error requesting your reprint at this time - please try again later 
Delete Order Request SuccessThe message text displayed to the user when the selected order is successfully deleted.Default is: The selected order has been successfully deleted 
Delete Order Request ErrorThe message text displayed to the user when the order deletion request encounters an error.Default is: There was an error deleting the order at this time - please try again later 
Products Added MessageThe message text displayed to the user when the order lines are successfully copied to the cart.Default is: {0} products have been successfully copied to your current order 
Error Copying ProductsThe message text displayed to the user when the order lines can't be copied to the cart.Default is: There was an error copying your products at this time - please try again later 
No Lines To CopyThe message text displayed to the user when the selected order contains all lines with 0 quantity.Default is: There are no lines with quantities to copy to your current order 
Order Cannot Be FoundThe message text displayed to the user when the requested order can't be loaded.Default is: Your requested order cannot be found 
Order Contains No LinesThe message text displayed to the user when the selected order is empty. Default is: This order has no lines to display 
Resume Order Request SuccessThe message text displayed to the user when the selected order has been resumed.Default is: The selected order has been successfully resumed 
Resume Order Request ErrorThe message text displayed to the user when the selected order can't be resumed.Default is: There was an error resuming the order at this time - please try again later 
Search Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Search' button.Default is: Search 
Clear Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Clear' button.Default is: Clear 
Print Order Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Print' button in order detail view.Default is: Print 
View Order Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'View' button in order list view.Default is: View 
Delete Order Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Delete' button in order list view.Default is: Remove 
Resume Order Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Resume' button in order list view.Default is: Resume 
Back To Results Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Back' button in order detail view.Default is: Back To Results 
Resend Invoice Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Invoice Reprint' button in order detail view.Default is: Resend Invoice 
Copy To Current Order Button LabelThe text displayed on the 'Copy to Cart' button in order detail view.Default is: Copy To Current Order 
Order Details Title TextThe heading text displayed on the order detail page.Default is: Your Order Details 
GST PromptThe tax prompt displayed in the order summary section of the order detail page.Default is: GST 



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