Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Implementing this feature requires consultation with Commerce Vision.


Templates are prepared csv files uploaded onto the website by administrators. They contain lists of products that a customer user might regularly reorder. Once uploaded, templates can be edited online here.  


On this page:


Here is an example of an order template

a user accesses

. Each template contains product lines, as well as space for associated cost centre (if used) and notes. A product line displays

a Par Quantity, as well as a Current Count (quantity on hand) input field. When copying

the price, any system discount and reorder quantity. The user can copy items from a

par value template to the current order, the system calculates the quantity to add by using the difference between the Par Quantity and Current Count.

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Set up Refill Orders

template to their cart.

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On this page:

Table of Contents

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Set up Order Templates


The following pages need to be added to the Administrator's menu in both the Website and CMS. This may already have been done for your site. See our guides Add a New Menu Item and Add a page to the CMS menu for instructions. 

  1. Import Par Value Templates (zImportTemplates.aspx?ParValueOrderMode=true
    TIP - When adding the menu item, in Page Name, enter:  zImportTemplates.aspx  and in Parameter, enter: ParValueOrderMode=true
    Par Value
  2. Template Maintenance (zTemplatesMaintenance.aspx?ParValueOrderMode=true)
    TIP - When adding the menu item, in Page Name, enter:  TemplatesMaintenance.aspx  and in Parameter, enter: ParValueOrderMode=true

Create an Order Template

Order templates are csv files that have to be created. The first row of the CSV file will list the fields you need for the template. Each subsequent row contains a templateproduct for reorder. Some fields are mandatory.


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titleMandatory fields

To create an order template, create a comma-delimited csv file with the following fields:

ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolLineType,  SoCustCode, SoCustReference, SoUserIdCode, CompanyTemplate, AllowTemplateBillTo, ProntoSalesOrderLine.StockCode, ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolOrderedQty

Optional fields

ProntoSalesOrderLine.CostCentreCode, ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolLineDescription, UserRoleWhenOrderTemplate

Mandatory fields:


Line type. 'S' = Stock

SoCustCodeCustomer Code this template is for
SoCustReferenceTemplate name
SoUserIdCodeUser ID
CompanyTemplate'Y' or 'N'.
AllowTemplateBillToAllow bill to? Enter 'Y' or 'N'.
ProntoSalesOrderLine.StockCodeProduct code
ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolOrderedQtyDefault Quantity

Optional fields:


Cost centre

ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolLineDescriptionProduct note
UserRoleWhenOrderTemplateRole name. Enter an existing role or 'None'.

titleAdding Whole Order Note Lines

To create a whole order note line (instead of a product line), override the normal product line processing using the following format. They can also be used for inserting breaks or as headings in the template.

Instead of a product (stock) line, enter the following: 

Line Type [ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolLineType] (Enter 'N'), Customer Code [SoCustCode], Template name [SoCustReference], User name [SoUserIdCode], Product Note [ProntoSalesOrderLine.SolLineDescription]

Import an Order Template

  1. In the CMS, navigate to OrdersOrder Templates.

  2. To upload the order template csv, click Choose File.

  3. Once the file is selected, to import the template, click Import Now

    Success and/or error messages will be displayed in the dialogue box on completion of the import. 


There are actually two file formats accepted by the import program. The format shown above will include a note input area within each product line.

However, some organisations prefer the note lines to be separate to the product lines. To achieve this, simply add a column at the start of the file for ProntoSalesOrderLine.SoILineType (N for Note line, S for Stock line). 

Maintain an Order Template

Once a template has been uploaded, it can be edited in the CMS. 

  1. In the CMS. go to OrdersTemplate Maintenance.

  2. Enter the Customer Code you wish to edit templates for, then click Search.
  3. Select the customer by clicking its radio button. 
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  4. The list of templates for that customer account will load.  Click Click View against the required template.
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  5. Edit the template as needed. You can edit quantities, resequence product order, delete products and add other products.
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  6. You can also update the template to display the latest prices for listed products. To update prices, click 'Click Here'.
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  7. Click Save Template Changes at the bottom of the grid.

Allow user access to order templates

To allow the end user access to Order Templates, you will need to add the page 'OrderTemplates.aspx' to their role's menu. When access is granted, Order Templates is a Dashboard menu item.

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Customise Text

Edit the Template Quantity Column Heading 

In the CMS, navigate to Advanced Content → Resources.
Search for and select the radio button next to the resource code rcParValueOrderQtyColHeadingOrderGrid.
Click Modify.
  • Edit Resource Value.
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  • To save changes, click OK.
  • Edit the Current Count Column Heading

    In the CMS, navigate to Advanced Content → Resources.
    Search for and select the radio button next to the resource code rcParValueCurrentCountColHeadingOrderGrid.
    Click Modify.
  • Edit Resource Value.
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  • To save changes, click OK.
  • Edit the Order Template Import Instructions

    In the CMS, navigate to Advanced Content → Resources.
    Search for and select the radio button next to the resource code rcImportTemplatesCSVFieldsInstructionsParValueMode.
    Click Modify.
  • Edit Resource Value.
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  • To save changes, click OK

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    For user assistance on using order templates, see: Order Templates.