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Widget Use


Renders Order Import functionality on the Order Import page template. This allows users to import order data directly to the cart, either via CSV file, or by pasting data into an import window. The data is then validated and feedback given to the user. the Customer Client dialog windows to input and edit client and project details. 

Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Image Removed

Image Added

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:


  • Customer Client Project Maint
  • Customer Client Maintenence
  • Checkout

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short Short specific description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from use clear on the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Enable Data ImportDetermines whether the Data Import section is rendered, in which users can paste CSV-formatted data (rather than uploading a saved file).

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Enable File UploadDetermines whether the File Upload section is rendered, which users can use to upload a saved CSV file (rather than pasting raw data).

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Allow Continue On Analysis Errors

Determines whether the import process will continue if the system detects data it can't interpret (e.g. extra columns, for example).

If the flag is enabled, the system will use whatever data it can decipher. If not enabled, the import will be halted and the user will have to correct their data and try again.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Allow Continue On Validation Errors

Determines whether the import process will continue if the system encounters invalid data.

If the flag is enabled, the valid lines will be imported and the invalid lines will be skipped. If not enabled, the import will be halted and the user will have to correct their data and try again.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Data Import
Data Import Subtitle TextThe heading text displayed at the top of the Data Import section.Default is: Data Import3.88
Data Import Subtitle Icon

The icon displayed to the left of the Data Import heading text.

Default is: cv-ico-general-keyboard3.88
Data Import Instruction TextThe instruction text displayed above the data input box.Default is:  Paste CSV data directly into the textbox below following the format: Product Code or APN, Order Quantity.3.88
Data Import Button TextThe text on the Import button in the Data Import section.Default is: Import Data3.88
File Upload
File Upload Subtitle TextThe heading text displayed at the top of the File Upload section.Default is: File Upload3.88

File Upload Subtitle Icon

The icon displayed to the left of the File Upload heading text.Default is: cv-ico-general-file3.88
File Upload Instruction TextThe instruction text displayed above the file selector.Default is: Select file(s) to upload:3.88
File Upload Button TextThe text on the Import button in the File Upload section.Default is: Import Files3.88
File Upload Placeholder TextThe text on the file selector button.Default is:  Select Files...3.88
Allow Multiple FilesDetermines whether the import of multiple files at once is permitted.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Show MessagesDetermines whether feedback messages are displayed to the user in the Log.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Clear Process MessagesDetermines whether progress messages are cleared after each phase is completed.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Wait For Response

Determines whether the browser will wait to process the entire import before giving feedback, or alternatively refresh and display messages as different phases of the import are completed.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Note - Waiting for response can occasionally cause timeout issues with very large datasets or many files. For the user experience, NOT waiting for response is recommended.

Messages Subtitle TextThe heading text displayed at the top of the Log section.Default is: Import Log3.88

Messages Subtitle Icon

The icon displayed to the left of the Log heading text.Default is: cv-ico-general-info23.88
Status Update Frequency (seconds)The time (in seconds) between status update requests when an order import is in progress.Default is: 13.88
Delay Before Closing Status Overlay (seconds)The time (in seconds) before we close the status overlay, once the import process has finished.Default is: 33.90
Success Message Text

The message displayed once the data has been successfully imported.

The placeholders {0} and {1} are replaced with the number of successfully imported products out of the total attempted.

Default is: Order import process complete. Successfully imported {0} of {1} products.3.88
Failed Message Text

The message displayed when the data import has failed.

The placeholder {0} is replaced the error returned by the system.

Default is: Order Import Process Failed. {0}3.88
Parsing Phase Message Text

The message displayed while the data is being analysed.

The placeholders are replaced by:

  • {0} the row currently being analysed
  • {1} the number of rows that have failed analysis
  • {2} letter 's' to pluralise row to rows (where required)
Default is: Checking row {0}. {1} row{2} failed to parse.3.88
Validation Phase Message Text

The message displayed in the overlay while the data is being validated.

The placeholders are replaced by:

  • {0} the number of products validated thus far
  • {1} the total number of produtcs to be validated
  • {2} the number of products that have failed validation
  • {3} letter 's' to pluralise product to products (where required)
Default is: Validating {0} of {1} products. {2} product{3} failed validation.3.88
Import Phase Message Text

The message displayed while the data is being imported.

The placeholders are replaced by:

  • {0} the number of products imported thus far
  • {1} the total number of produtcs to be imported
  • {2} the number of products that have failed to import
  • {3} letter 's' to pluralise product to products (where required)
Default is: Importing {0} of {1} products. {2} product{3} not imported.3.88
Substituted Product Status Text

The message displayed when a product in the import is substituted with another.

The placeholders are replaced with actual product codes.

Default is: Product with code [SubstitutedProduct.ProductCode] has been substituted for product with code [Product.ProductCode].3.90
Substituted Product Not Found Status Text

The message displayed when a product in the import is set to be substituted, but the substitution product is not found on the web.

The placeholders are replaced with actual product codes.

Default is: Product with code [SubstitutedProduct.ProductCode] is set for substitution with product with code [Product.ProductCode] however this product could not be found. Keeping original product.3.90
Substituted Product Not Valid Status Text

The message displayed when a product in the import is set to be substituted, but the substitution product is invalid for ordering (out of stock or other condition).

The placeholders are replaced with actual product codes.

Default is: Product with code [SubstitutedProduct.ProductCode] is set for substitution with product with code [Product.ProductCode] however this product is not valid for order. Keeping original product.3.90
Analysis Phase Begin Status TextThe message displayed when the analysis phase begins.Default is: Beginning analysis phase.3.90
Analysis Phase Complete Without Errors Status TextThe message displayed when the analysis phase completes with zero errors.Default is: Analysis phase completed without errors. 3.90
Analysis Phase Complete With Errors Disallow Continue Status TextThe message displayed when the analysis phase finds errors, and the widget option "Allow Continue On Analysis Errors" is NOT enabled.Default is: Analysis phase completed with errors. Please fix the errors and try again.3.90
Analysis Phase Complete With Errors Allow Continue Status TextThe message displayed when the analysis phase finds errors, and the widget option "Allow Continue On Analysis Errors" IS enabled. Default is: Analysis phase completed with errors. Skipping invalid rows and continuing.3.90
Analysis Phase No Data Available Status TextThe message displayed when the user clicks the import button, but has not attached any files or pasted any product data.Default is: No data available for analysis. Please either upload some files or paste some data.3.90
Validation Phase Begin Status TextThe message displayed when the validation phase begins.Default is: Beginning validation phase.3.90
Validation Phase Complete Without Errors Status TextThe message displayed when the validation phase completes with zero errors. Default is: Validation phase completed without errors.3.90
Validation Phase Complete With Errors Disallow Continue Status TextThe message displayed when the validation phase finds errors, and the widget option "Allow Continue On Validation Errors" is NOT enabled. Default is: Validation phase completed with errors. Please fix the errors and try again.3.90
Validation Phase Complete With Errors Allow Continue Status TextThe message displayed when the validation phase finds errors, and the widget option "Allow Continue On Validation Errors" IS enabled. Default is: Validation phase completed with errors. Skipping invalid products and continuing.3.90
Validation Phase No Products Available Status TextThe message displayed when the user clicks the import button, but has not attached any files or pasted any product data. Default is: No products available for validation. Please either upload some files or paste some data.3.90
Import Phase Begin Status TextThe message displayed when the import phase begins.Default is: Beginning import phase.3.90
Import Phase Complete Without Errors Status TextThe message displayed when the import phase completes with zero errors.Default is: Import phase completed without errors.3.90
Import Phase Complete With Errors Status TextThe message displayed when the import phase completes with errors.Default is: Import phase completed with errors.3.90
Order Import Complete Without Errors Status TextThe completion message displayed at the end of all phases, when the import has completed without errors.Default is: Order import completed without errors.3.90
Order Import Complete With Errors Status TextThe completion message displayed at the end of all phases, when the import has completed with some errors.Default is: Order import completed with errors.3.90
Order Import Failed Status TextThe completion message displayed at the end of all phases, when the import has failed.Default is: Order import failed. See error log for details.3.90

Implementation Notes 

  • Default functionality when errors or zero quantities are encountered is for all lines to be skipped and no lines imported. The user must correct the data and re-import.
  • If you would prefer the Order Import to skip error lines / zero quantities, please refer to the widget options "Allow Continue On Analysis Errors" and "Allow Continue On Validation Errors".


Use Layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time.

Project Dialog Title Heading for the Project window.

Default: Project

Client Dialog Title Heading for the Client window.

Default: Client

Project Labels (for Project dialog)UseComments
Name PromptProject name field.Default: Name4.31
Client Prompt

Client name field.

Default: Client4.31
Address 1 PromptFirst address field.Default: Address 1 4.31
Address 2 PromptSecond adderss field.Default: Address 24.31
Suburb PromptSuburb field.Default: Suburb4.31
Postcode PromptPostcode field.Default: Postcode4.31
Client Phone PromptClient phone number field.Default: Client Phone 4.31
Client Email PromptClient email address field.Default: Client Email4.31
Budget PromptBudget field.Default: Budget4.31
Start Date PromptStart date field.Default: Start Date4.31
End Date PromptEnd date field.Default: End Date4.31
Comments PromptComments field.Default: Comments4.31
Status PromptStatus field.Default: Status4.31
Client Labels (for Client dialog)UseComments
Name PromptClient/company name field.Default: Name4.31

Contact Name Prompt

Contact person field.Default: Contact Name4.31
Address 1 PromptFirst address field.Default: Address 14.31
Address 2 PromptSecond address field.Default: Address 24.31
Suburb PromptSuburb field.Default: Suburb4.31
Postcode PromptPostcode field.

Default: Postcode

Client Phone PromptPhone number field.Default: Client Phone4.31
Client Email PromptEmail address field.Default: Client Email4.31
Comments PromptComments field.Default: Comments4.31
Status PromptStatus field.Default: Status4.31
Save PromptText on Save button on Create Client/Project dialog.

Default: Save

Create PromptText on Create button on Create Client/Project dialog.

Default: Create

Cancel Prompt

Text on Cancel button on Create Client/Project dialog.

Default: Cancel

Copy Address Button PromptText on Copy Address button in Project dialog (to copy address from Client).Default: Copy Address to Project4.31

Related help

Content by Label
cqllabel = "customer" and space = "KB" and title ~ "'client projects'"
labelswidget cms

Content by Label
cqllabel = "cmswidget" and label space = "widgetKB" and space = "KBtitle ~ "'client projects'"
labelswidget cms