Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Identify the table you want to create a custom field for. 
  2. Create the new custom field for the table. 
  3. Edit a table's record to include the new data.
  4. (For product or category custom fields only) Display the field on your website. Add the product field widget to theProduct Detail and/or Product List templatesFor a category field, add the category field widget to the Category template. See: Add Custom Field to Product or Category

Step-by-step Guide

MultiExcerptNameCreate Custom Field

Create a New Custom Field  

  1. In the CMS, go to E-CommerceAdvanced Content → Custom Fields

  2. Select the table you wish to add your custom field to (e.g. Categories, Products, Users).

    Image Added
  3. The page will load, displaying any existing custom fields for the table you selected.

  4. Click the Add New Custom Field button. 

  5. In Add Custom Field Details, enter the field requirements (for display and entry of values by administrators): 
    • Field Name - a code to identify this field in the database. Alphanumeric only, with no spaces or special characters. Underscore ( '_ ') permitted.
    • Prompt - the field label displayed next to the field.
    • Help - additional information about the field displayed.
    • Data Type:
        • Text - alphanumeric characters, including spaces, special characters, and html.
        • Integer - whole numbers
        • Decimal - numeric data including fractional components
        • DateTime - calendar dates and times
        • Boolean - checkbox for a 2 value option, e.g. True/False, Yes/No

    • Display Type - the interface displayed to Administrators on the page the field appears in. NOTE - Display Type options depend on the Data Type selected.

      titleClick here for an explanation of display types...

      titleWhat is...
      • integer -  a whole number
      • boolean - functionality that only has two possibilities: ON or OFF, YES or NO etc

      Display TypeAvailable for Data TypeExample
      Text BoxText, Integer, Decimal

      One line text box

      Image Added

      Multi-line Text BoxText

      Image Added

      HTML Text BoxText

      WYSIWYG content editor that allows the text to be formatted

      Image Added

      XML Text BoxText

      Image Added

      Dropdown ListText, Integer, Decimal

      Image Added

      Image SelectorText

      Image Added

      Numeric Text BoxInteger, Decimal

      Image AddedImage Added

      Date PickerDateTime

      Image Added

      Time PickerDateTime

      Image Added

      Date/Time PickerDateTime

      Image Added

      Check box (toggle)Boolean

      Image Added

      NOTE - displays as a toggle

    • Allow Unlimited Text - (for Text Display Type only) tick to allow unlimited amount of text 
    • Mandatory - tick to make the custom field required on the page it displays in.
    • Active - leave ticked for the field to be in use. Untick to make inactive.
      Image Added

  1. To save the custom field, click Save.

1. Create a New Custom Field  
