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Widget Use


Shows a list of news articles.Displays articles in list format, allowing for a list title and icon, as well as other configuration options


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

 Image Added

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Article List Page Template


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionThe A short description of the widgetIt is recommended to use this so the reason for use of the widget is seem 's use.We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer that the widget will be shown onis valid for.The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences. This is handy
if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than
one audience, but different configuration is needed. The widget can be added to the zone more
than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 
List Title The heading text displayed at the top of the article list.  
Title Icon  The icon displayed to the left of the List Title.Select via drop-down 
Max Number Of Articles  The maximum number of articles to display in the article list.Default is: 5 
Article Type Filter  The article 'type' from which the list items are drawn (each article is assigned a 'type' on creation; the drop-down list will be populated with all available Article Types on your site).

Select via drop-down

Order By Field  Determines which article field is used to order the articles in the list.Default is: Posted Date 
Order By Direction  Determines which direction the articles are ordered by - ascending or descending.Default is: Descending 
Image Position  Determines the side that the image will be displayed on. This option will also move the summary and the 'Read Full Article' button to the far left in place of where the image is by default.Default is: Left 
Show Read Article Button  Determines whether the 'Read Full Article' button is displayed for each article. (The user can navigate to the full article page if this option is unticked by clicking on the article title.)

Default is: Ticked

Untick to disable

Article Route Prefix

The route prefix, which is inserted between the main site URL and the article title. Used for SEO purposes.

For example, in the following URL, 'blog' is the route prefix: 

Default is: article

Show Article DateDetermines whether the article date is displayed. If not, the Article summary text is shifted up in place of the date text.

Default is: Ticked

Untick to disable

Enable Article HyperlinkAllows the user to navigate to the full article page by clicking on the news article heading. Disabling this option removes the hyperlink on the article heading.

Default is: Ticked

Untick to disable

Show On Mobile?  Determines whether the widget is displayed on a mobile device. If unticked, page totals will be hidden on mobile devices.

Default is: Ticked

Untick to disable




Other Widgets

Content by Label
labelswidget cms