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Renders a price-check function to query pricing for products by customer. The resulting matrix displays the price rules in effect, discounts, and pricing method used.

This functionality is designed for internal users, Reps, and others who do not have direct access to the ERP.


Following is an example of the widget in use:


Image Modified

Resulting Data

Image Modified


Where can the Widget be placed?


OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Allow Setting Customer Code Determines whether the logged in user can specify the customer code to check pricing for.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Show Pricing Information Summary Determines whether the summary information is displayed at the top of the Pricing Matrix.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Show Pricing Information Detail Determines whether the individual pricing rule information is displayed in the Pricing Matrix.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Show Available Pricing Methods Determines whether the available pricing methods are displayed next to the pricing method used (in the summary section)

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Pricing Information Summary
Return Item Price Label Text The label for the price returned by the query.Default is: Return Item Price:3.96
Pronto Price Discount Label Text The label for the Pronto Price Discount field.Default is: Pronto Price Discount:3.96
Product Price Minus Discount Label Text The label for the Price Minus Discount field.Default is: Product Price Minus Discount:3.96
Maximum Price Label Text The label for the Max Price field.Default is: Max Price:3.96
Discount Label Text The label for the Discount field.Default is: Discount:3.96
Is Discount To Be Used Label Text The label indicating whether a discount is used.Default is: Is Discount To Be Used:3.96
Customer Code Label Text The label for the Customer field.Default is: Customer:3.96
Product Code Label Text The label for the stock code field.Default is: Stock Code:3.96
Quantity Label Text The label for the quantity field.Default is: Quantity:3.96
Price Level Label Text The label for the price level field.Default is: Price Level:3.96
Price Warehouse Label Text The label for the warehouse field.Default is: Price Warehouse:3.96
Pricing Method Label Text The label for the pricing method field.Default is: Pricing Method:3.96
Available Pricing Methods Label Text The explanation of the available pricing methods.Default is: (0=Standard, 1=Best, 2=First)3.96
Pricing Information Detail
Price Rule Label TextThe label for the price rule field.Default is: Price Rule3.96
Price Label TextThe label for the price field.Default is: Price3.96
Detail    Discount Label TextThe label for the discount field.Default is: Discount3.96
Best Price Label TextThe label for the best price field.Default is: Best Price3.96
   Best Discount Label TextThe label for the best discount field.Default is: Best Discount3.96  
 Best Use Discount Label TextThe label for the best use discount field.Default is: Best Use Discount3.96
   Override Best Label TextThe label for the override best field.Default is: Override Best3.96
Show Messages Determines whether the user is shown the 'is processing' message during longer pricing calculations.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Calculating Message TextThe message shown to the user on the overlay when the query is being processed.Default is: Calculating. Please Wait... 3.96
   Pricing Information Title TextThe heading displayed at the top of the widget.Default is: Price Calculation3.96  

Pricing Information Title Icon

The icon displayed next to the widget heading.Default is: cv-ico-general-graph23.96
   Pricing Information Matrix Title TextThe heading displayed at the top of the price matrix popup window.Default is: Pricing Matrix3.96  

Pricing Information Matrix Title Icon

The icon displayed next to the popup headingDefault is: cv-ico-general-graph23.96
   Calculate Button TextThe text on the Calculate button.Default is: Calculate3.96  
 Pricing Information Matrix Cancel Button TextThe text on the Cancel button.Default is: Cancel3.96
   Pricing Information Matrix Confirm Button TextThe text on the Confirm button.Default is: Confirm3.96
   True Display TextThe value displayed when the query returns 'true' for a yes/no option.Default is: True3.96  
 False Display TextThe value displayed when the query returns 'false' for a yes/no option.Default is: False3.96
   Product Code Label TextThe label for the Product Code field.Default is: Product Code:3.96  
 Product Code Placeholder TextThe placeholder text for the product code field, displayed when the field is blank.Default is: Product Code...3.96
   Customer Code Label TextThe lable for the Customer Code field.Default is: Customer Code:3.96  
 Customer Code Placeholder TextThe placeholder text for the customer code field, displayed when the field is blank.Default is: Customer Code...3.96
   Quantity Label TextThe label for the quantity field.Default is: Quantity:3.96  
 Quantity Placeholder TextThe placeholder text for the quantity field, displayed when the field is blank.Default is: Quantity...3.96



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