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The Category Cluster feature is available from 4.17+. Category Hotspot Banners requires 4.31+.

NOTE - This feature must first be enabled by Commerce Vision. 

MultiExcerptNameFeature Title


CMS Cluster Maintenance

MultiExcerptNameFeature Overview
Group products into multiple categories while designating the same product as optional or compulsory in each category.

Categories group together Products on your website and are displayed as menu items in the navigation menu. At times your business may have specific purchasing conditions where it would be useful to have certain products displayed in one group.  Customers can then easily find and select them. Examples are: items in a school year book and stationery list for a school supplies seller, or spare parts for a particular appliance or machine.

This is where cluster categories may help. A category set to cluster mode is just like any other category in that products are assigned to it and it can appear in the navigation menu. But to support this type of purchasing, clusters have some other built-in features and options. 

Cluster Maintenance allows you to create and configure clusters, and add products to them. Ordering and sorting in a cluster is done by adding user-defined cluster sections through line types ('headers'). For sites on 4.31+, a hotspot banner can be created to provide a visual menu of products in a cluster. Users can click on a image area (hotspot) to be taken to the product.


On this page:

Table of Contents

Step-by-step guide


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for configuring and using clusters.   

1. Enable Cluster Maintenance

To use the feature, it needs to be switched on in the CMS.  

  1. In the CMS,


  1. go to SettingsSettingsFeature Management


2.     Locate Cluster LineType Maintenance and click Configure.
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3.     Click Add New Line Type.
4.     A Line Type is a header to which you will add products.
5.     We are going to create some Category Clusters to put compulsory and optional products in based on the school year. Therefore, we will create two (2) line types: Compulsory and Optional.


  1. → Products & Categories

  2. Toggle ON Cluster Line Type Maintenance.

Once 'Cluster Line Type Maintenance' is toggled on in 'Settings', Cluster LineType Maintenance will appear as a menu item in the Products & Categories menu.  You can select it to navigate to the Cluster Line Type Maintenance page to maintain cluster line types at any time.  

2. Add Cluster Line Types

A cluster 'line type' is a header the system uses to group and sort products in a cluster category. Once created, a line type will be available for selection for all cluster categories but you can always create new ones to suit a specific category cluster. For our example, we know that some products will be compulsory, others optional, for purchasers and we want to use these buying conditions as line types. So we can create headers for two line types: 'Compulsory' and 'Optional'. (NOTE - You can also create a line type that allows customers to choose options from two or more products listed. For instance there may be various brands available for 'black gel pens' but the purchaser needs to buy only one.  We will look at this line type later. (See Create a 'choose one' cluster line type below.)

To create a cluster line type: 

  1. In SettingsCluster Line Type Maintenance, click Configure to go to the 'Cluster Line Type' page.

  2. Click Add New Line Type.

  3. Enter details for Line Type, HTML Prefix, and HTML Suffix.

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7.     Click Save & Exit and repeat for the Optional Line Type.
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9.     You will see the ones you just created in the Settings → Feature Management. 
10.   Navigate to Products & Categories → Category Maintenance.
11.   We need to create a Category Cluster.
12.   Type in the name of your new Category and click Create.

You don't have to add the category cluster to the top-level categories.

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13.   The system will create the category and add it to the bottom of the category list. Click Edit.
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14.   To turn a category into a category cluster, change Enable Cluster to Yes.
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15.   Click Save & Exit.
16.   The category changes from 0 products to 0 clusters.
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17.   We will now build our Cluster; hover over Options and select Cluster.
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18.   We will add a header called Compulsory.
19.   In the Description field, type the name of your heading.
20.   Then select the Type as Compulsory. Click Add None Product.
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21.   Repeat the steps to create an Optional Products header with Type as Optional.
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  1. Click Save. The line type will be available for selection when you configure a cluster. 

  2. Create any other line types you need. For our example, repeat steps 3-5 to create the 'Optional' line type.

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3. 'Enable cluster' for a category

A category has to be enabled to contain clusters (instead of directly displaying 'products' and 'sub-categories'). You can set an existing category to contain clusters or create a new category for this purpose. Just as for other categories, a cluster category is maintained in Category Maintenance. For our example, we will create a new category, then 'enable cluster' for it. (If you are working with an existing category and just want to 'enable cluster' for it, go straight to step 3.)   

To add a category and 'enable cluster' for it:

  1. Go to Products & Categories → Category Maintenance.

  2. In Add New Category..., enter the category name and click Create. The new category will be added at the bottom of the list. 

  3. To enable the category to contain clusters, click Edit for the category.

  4. Go to Enable Cluster and select 'Yes'.
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  5. Click Save & Exit. You are returned to the list of categories. Notice that next to this category, '0 clusters' instead of '0 products' is displayed.

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4. Build a cluster for a category

Once a category has been enabled to contain clusters, you can populate it with one or more cluster sections. A cluster section consists of a heading and a line type. Products are added to each cluster section as needed. For our example, we are going to create two cluster sections, one group of pens that are compulsory, and another, for optional ones. 

  1. In the list of categories, hover over Options for the category and select Cluster.

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  2. In Description, enter the heading for the cluster. This text is displayed as a heading on your site so it should be informative for customers. For the example, we will add the header 'Pens: compulsory' as this tells customers they need to buy all products under this heading. 

  3. In Type, select a line type. Here, we will select 'Compulsory'. 

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  4. To save this cluster section, click Add Line. The cluster section will appear in the list.

  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for any additional section clusters you need. For our example, we have added 'Pens: optional'.

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You can also create a cluster section around products that are grouped together, from which the customer can select one. 

titleClick here for more detail.

Create a cluster section with product choices

You can configure a section to contain a list of products from which the customer can select one (or more).

  1. In the Cluster LineType Maintenance page, create a line type header with an appropriate name, e.g., 'Choose One'. 

  2. Navigate to the Category Cluster (Products & Categories → Category Maintenance), hover over Options next to your cluster and select Cluster.

  3. In Description, enter a suitable heading. For our example, we will enter 'Pens: select one'.   

  4. In Type, select 'Choose One' (or the line type you created in step 1). 

  5. Add the products that are under this cluster section. Drag and drop them to make sure they appear under this heading. In our example, those products are: _.

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  6. Click Edit for each product to configure its cluster properties:
      Description: the product's current description will default but you can change it to something more meaningful for this cluster if you wish.
      Suggested Quantity: leave at '0'. 
      Is Compulsory: leave box unchecked.
      Tags: add the product code of each linked product separately. Type in a product code, then hit 'Enter' on your keyboard. This must be done for each linked product.


    You must hit return so each product code displays under the field header 'Tags'. To remove a product code, click on the 'x' next to a product code.

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  7. Save your changes.

  8. Repeat steps 6-8 for each product.

5. Add Products to Cluster Sections

Once cluster sections have been created, you can add products and sort them in a particular order under each section as you wish.

  1. In the Maintain Category Cluster page, click Edit for the line type you want to add products to. 

  2. In Product Search, type in the name of a product and click Add Product


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  1. .


  1.  The


  1. product will


  1. appear at the end of the list.



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  2. Make sure the product is is the right cluster section. If you need to, drag and drop it so it is under the  right heading. In our example, we


  1. will add our first product to


  1. 'Pens: compulsory


  1. '.
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  1. Image Added

  2. Repeat steps 2-3 for all the products you want to add to


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25.   For each product in the Compulsory list, those that customers must purchase, click Edit and tick Is Compulsory. You can also set a Suggested Quantity.
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26.   You can also configure a choice between products. For instance, we are going to allow people to choose either Sight Words Readers (CV187) or Sight Words Flash Cards (CV186).
27.   To distinguish those products from the other compulsory products, we will create a new Line Type Header called Choose One. If you forget how to do that, refer to step 8 and click Add New Line Type.
28.   Navigate back to our Category Cluster: Products & Categories → Category Maintenance. Hover over options next to your cluster and select Cluster.
29.   Type a description: Choose One Compulsory with a type of Choose One.

The header does not have to have the same name as the Cluster Line Type.

30.   Add your new heading just before the Optional Products heading.
31.   Drag your two products under the new heading. In our example, those products are CV186 and CV187.
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We need to tell the system that the customer can buy CV186 or CV187, but they don't have to purchase both.
32.   Click Edit next to CV187.
33.   Tick Is Compulsory and set Suggested Quantity to 1.
34.   In the Add Tag... field, type in CV186 and hit return. This tells the system that CV186 is CV187's partner product.

You must hit return so the tag displays above the Add Tag... field with a little x next to it.

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35.   Save your changes.

36.   Click Edit next to CV186.

37.   Tick Is Compulsory and set Suggested Quantity to 1.

38.   In the Add Tag... field, type in CV187 and hit return. This tells the system that CV187 is CV186's partner product.

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39.   Save your changes.


  1. each cluster section. Note - if you have more than one product in a section, you can drag and drop products so that they will display in that order on your website. 

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  2. Once you have finished, click Save. IMPORTANT - if you do not click Save (or Save and Exit), any changes made here will not be saved in the system,   

6. Assign Products to cluster category

The products added under a cluster section have to be assigned to the cluster category in the system.

Assigning products to the cluster category is done in the same way that products are linked to any other category, through the Product Maintenance page. Once a product is saved in a cluster section, you can directly access this function rather than exit out of Category Maintenance and navigate to Product Maintenance.

  1. Find the product and hover over Options, then select Edit Product Categories.

  2. Click Add Categories.

  3. In the drop down list, select the cluster category. 

  4. Click Save. The product is now assigned to the cluster category and you will be returned to the Maintain Category Cluster page.  

7. Edit cluster properties for a product

Products assigned to cluster categories have special properties that need to be configured, for example, the specific buying condition (compulsory or not) and minimum number needs to be set. 

  1. For each product in the cluster, click Edit next to it. 

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  2. Edit the fields as required.

Description: the pre-existing product description will default but you can change it to something more meaningful for listing in this cluster if you wish.
Suggested Quantity: if the product is compulsory, enter '1' or another number for the minimum the buyer has to buy; if the product is optional or is a choice between two or more products, leave it at '0'. 
Is Compulsory: check the box if this product is compulsory. Note- if this box is checked, the system will set 'Suggested Quantity' to 1 even if it is left at '0'. 
Tags: tags are used to link two or more products when the customer is given a choice to select one of them. To link a product to this one, type in its product code, then hit 'Enter' (Return) on your keyboard. Product codes of each linked product must be entered individually,   

3. When you have finished editing the product, click Save.

4. The system will advise you that you will need to refresh the Cache Management for your changes to display on the website.


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41.   Save and Exit and navigate to Settings → Cache Management.

5. Click on the Cache Management link,

6. For Product Cache, click Clear Cache. 

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When the process


is complete, click Close.

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Let's test the new Cluster Category.

Head to your website.

MultiExcerptNameBallpark Hours From CV (if opting for CV to complete self config component)

Contact CV Support


MultiExcerptNameBallpark Hours From CV (in addition to any self config required)

Contact CV Support

8. Create Cluster Hotspot Banner (optional)

See Cluster Hotspot Banner help.

Additional Information

MultiExcerptNameAdditional Info

Minimum Version Requirements

MultiExcerptNameMinimum Version Requirements



MultiExcerptNamePre reqs


Self Configurable

MultiExcerptNameSelf Configurable


Business Function

MultiExcerptNameBusiness Function

Products & Categories

BPD Only?

MultiExcerptNameBPD Only






Third Party Costs

MultiExcerptNameThird Party Costs




 Category Maintenance




Content by Label
cqllabel in ("




cluster") and type = "page" and space = "KB"
labelshow-to new cms ver41700

MultiExcerptNameFeatures List Headers

Macro Instructions for carrying Article Information through to Feature List






Business Function

CMS Category




Feature Description

(Written for our customers and can be pasted into comms sent to them)

Additional info


Self Configurable

Ballpark Hours
From CV

(if opting for CV to complete self config component)

Ballpark Hours
From CV

(in addition to any self config required)

Third Party Costs

Instructions for carrying Excerpts through from this page to the Feature List

Article Page:

Add macro  / Multiexcerpt (or copy and existing excerpt and edit) or (Copy existing page and place content into existing excerpt macros)

On Features List page:

Click in the Cell to be populated  / add macro /  Multiexcerpt Include / Select the Article page and the excerpt (or copy another feature line and edit the 'Article page' source.