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A Questionnaire is a submittable form which allows information to be provided by online users to the web application. Questionnaires are a flexible way to create and present forms and collect user information.


  • Contact Us
  • Returns
  • Warranties
  • Quotes
  • Feedback 

This article help page will outline the processes required to create to create a Questionnaire including creation of Questionnaire Questions, mapping to a Questionnaire Group and displaying it to the end user. 

Questionnaire functionality is defined by 3 sections:

  1. Questionnaire Questions - Questions created here can be used by one or many questionnaires. read more
  2. Questionnaire Groups - Questionnaire Groups allow questionnaires to be set up utilising the questions contained in Questionnaire Questions. read more 
  3. Questionnaire Maintenance - Questionnaires using templates allow for common uses such as Contact Us, Returns, Warranties, Quotes, Feedback, etc. read more

Step-by-step guides


Questionnaire Questions

To Create a Questionnaire Question:


  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Preferences' --> 'Questionnaire Questions' (/questionmaintenance.aspx).
  3. Select the required question via radio button.
  4. Click 'Delete'.


    Be sure you have selected the correct question to delete - there is no 'confirm' option.


Questionnaire Groups

To Create a Questionnaire Group:


titleGood to Know

Fields can be added (and some removed) by modifying the 'Questionnaire Maintenance' Field Group. Fields added will appear before the hard coded fields. Hard coded fields are designated by '*' above.


To Add Questionnaire Questions:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Preferences' --> 'Questionnaire Groups' (/questionnairemaintenance.aspx).
  3. Select the required Questionnaire via radio button.
  4. Click 'Questions'.
  5. Click 'New'.
  6. Select the required 'Question Code' from the drop-down list (these are the questions which were created under 'Questionnaire Questions' or /questionmaintenance.aspx).
  7. Enter a 'Field Sequence'. This will default to the next available sequence number, but can be overridden. (If the sequence entered has already been used, the new entry will replace the previous entry with all other subsequent sequences increased by one).
  8. Click 'OK' to save.
  9. Repeat steps 5 - 8 as required.
  10. When all required questions have been added, click 'Return to Main Page' to return to Questionnaire Maintenance.
  11. Refresh the dictionary to make the questions available in the questionnaire:
    1. Navigate to 'Settings' -->'Dictionary'
    2. Click 'Refresh Cache'.


To Modify a Questionnaire:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Preferences' --> 'Questionnaire Groups' (/questionnairemaintenance.aspx).
  3. Select the required Questionnaire via radio button.
  4. Click 'Modify'.
  5. Edit values as required.
  6. Click 'OK' to save.


    Questionnaire Questions attached to the Questionnaire can also be added to, modified (ie sequence changed) or deleted from this page by clicking 'Questions'. This will take you to the Questions screen where New, Modify and Delete options are available


To Delete a Questionnaire:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Preferences' --> 'Questionnaire Groups' (/questionnairemaintenance.aspx).
  3. Select the required Questionnaire via radio button.
  4. Click 'Delete'.


    Be sure you have selected the correct questionnaire to delete - there is no 'confirm' option.


Questionnaire Maintenance

Questionnaires using templates allow common uses such as Contact Us, Returns, Warranties, Quotes, Feedback, etc.


Questions set up here can be used in multiple questionnaires.

Questionnaires using Templates

The following code must be added to the template.


  • This new hidden field, if defined in page HTML, will indicate that the values in the form (prefixed with the value CVFormField_ in their name) will need to be saved to the table QuestionnaireResults
  • The value after CVFormField_ in the input name will indicate the field in the QuestionnaireResults table to save the user input into. eg. CVFormField_Age
  • If the field in the QuestionnaireResults table does not exist, the submission of the form will continue saving data for those fields that do exist and not storing the data for the missing fields. It will then send a CVNotify email to indicate which fields are missing from the QuestionnaireResults table
  • The value in the new hidden field will be what is recorded in the field Code in the table QuestionnaireResults.
  • The value in the EmailAddress field in the QuestionnaireResults table will be the EmailAddress of the current user in session (i.e. this could be a guest user).

Questionnaires Implementation

After questionnaires have been created, they must be made available to end users via links on the relevant pages or via menu items or page routes. Refer to:
Adding Add a New Menu Item 
SEO Friendly URLs / Page Routes 


For menu items linked to questionnaires, the following need to be included in the set-up:
Page Name - Questionnaire.aspx
Parameter - questionnaire=[questionnairecode] where [questionnairecode] is the relevant questionnaire code. eg questionnaire=contactus




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