New Features
Catalogue: Product Variant Import Adds Images to Master Product —
Do you use Product Variant import to bulk upload child product links to master products? This feature removes the need to manually update the master product with child product images in Product Maintenance. These images will automatically be added to the master product, ready to display on its product detail page and in gallery view.
Catalogue: Sort Option Flexibility for Product Lists —
Do you use out-of-the-box sort options for product list search results? Or do you prefer customised options that are more suited to your products or customers? Either way, setting sort options has become a whole lot faster with the new look of the sort selection modal. And with a toggle, you can apply the sort configuration in one widget to some or all product sort list widgets.
Content: Content Lock for Multisite and Role-based Control —
Does your organisation need editing and publishing restrictions on specific pages and templates, campaigns, banners or articles that are shared across multiple sites? Content Lock lets organisations control such content items through the new Content Admin role.
Content: Deploy Content - Remote Multisite Content Publishing —
Are you a multisite organisation wanting to share content easily across your websites? Deploy Content allows management of shared content across multiple websites linked to one organisation.
Content: Standard Page SEO Info in One Location —
For direct access to a page's SEO details, Page Properties can now be accessed via the Options button on every standard page and template.
Orders: Order History & Tracking Page Add-Ons —
For 2022.3, Commerce Vision focused on enhancing the functionality of Order History/Tracking so that your customers can do more with their order history data.
Search by Invoice date or date range, for businesses that may invoice on a different date to the sales order date Learn more
Enable calculate totals for orders found, to create views that include total transactional values. With option to show GST separately Learn more
Export order search results to CSV, to quickly save found records and access them offsite Learn more
Users: Automate Inactive User Management —
Ever considered how to clean out years of inactive website user accounts from your system and deactivate abandoned accounts? Now you can schedule Inactive User Management as a task that runs in the background daily.
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Version Details
4.38; 1.24