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This feature needs to be implemented by Commerce Vision. Please consult with CV Professional Services.

Min. version 2022:2.

CV: 105434, 104984


Available for integration with Braintree Payments and Eway.

Accertify's fraud check integration is available for use with the Braintree Payments or Eway gateways on your CV eCommerce website. This solution runs a post-authorisation check on a credit card transaction (and also PayPal and eWallets for Braintree). If payment fails during Braintree checking, the order is stopped. If the order passes the Braintree, the order is put on hold, and the payment transaction is sent to Accertify for further checking. Accertify will return one of three recommendations:

  • Accept - transaction is deemed non-fradulent. The order continues to be processed.
  • Reject - transaction is deemed fradulent. The order is cancelled. An order rejection email is sent.
  • Review - transaction must be manually reviewed in the Accertify control panel by you. At this point, an 'under review' email is sent to the purchaser. The order can be changed to accepted or rejected, pending the final decision. If ultimately disallowed, the order is cancelled and a rejected order email is sent.      

For more information on this integration, go to the Accertify website.

On this page:


Before you start...

  • Make sure Braintree Payments is enabled.
  • Have the Accertify credentials ready for entering.
    • Endpoint: 
    • Site Id: 
    • Device Collector URL:
    • API Username: 
    • API Password:
    • Webhook Username: (Issued by Commerce Vision)
    • Webhook Password: (Issued by Commerce Vision)

1. Enable Credit Card Fraud Provider

  1. In the CMS, go to SettingsFeature ManagementPayment & Checkout

  2. Enable Credit Card Fraud Provider, then select Configure.

  3. Toggle ON Credit Card Fraud Enabled.

  4. Select Accertify as the provider. 

  5. Click Save.

  6. In Configuration Settings, enter the credentials. These will be given by CV.

  7. Toggle ON Send Order Review Email Notifications for emails to be sent when:
    • a payment needs further review
    • a reviewed payment is rejected,

  8. For one or more internal staff to be cc'ed or bcc'ed when emails are sent, enter one email at a time and press Enter

  9. (optional) To edit either email template, click either email template button.

    You can always access them later through the menu: ContentEmails

    • Order Review Email template
    • Order Rejected Email template
  10. Click Save.

2. Edit Email templates (optional)

As well as other parts of the email, the Review and Rejected messages can be edited. 

See: Order Review Notes widget; Order Review Rejected Notes widget

Additional Information

Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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