Step-by-step Guide
Some or all of these steps may have already been done during initial setup.
1. Configure Login Method
- In the CMS, go to Settings → Settings → Feature Management → User → Login Methods.
- Click Configure.
- In Login Method, select Password or Magic Links as the default login method on your website. TIP - To set a method for a specific user, use Overrides.
- Password: user enters userid and password to log in.
- Magic Link: user enters userid and will be emailed a clickable link to log in.- If using Magic Links, in Magic Link Expiration Time, enter the expiry in minutes for an emailed link. Once a link has expired, the user will have to request a new magic link to log in.
Default: 60 minutes.- (optional) To edit the email sent to the user, click Magic Link Authentication Template. (The template can also be accessed from the navigation menu: Content → Content → Emails.) See: Magic Link Authentication Message Widget
- To save your settings, click Save or Save & Exit.
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