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Content Administrator

CMS Admin role created for the Multisite Content Management System(MCM). This Role can enable/disable Content Lock and Deploy Content in Feature Settings. It can also add linked sites so that they can be selected as target sites. NOTE - The general Administrator role also has these abilities.  See also: Content Manager

Content Deployment Log

The page that contains a record of all deployment instances and whether each was successful or not. The log keeps deployment data for the last 6 months. 

titleWhere is the Content Deployment Log on the navigation menu?

Go to: ContentAdvanced ContentContent Deployment Log.

Content Lock
The CV ecommerce MCM function that allows some content types to be lockable. 

Content item

A lockable or deployable unit. Some content items are complex and contain other content items. For example, a whole page/template is a complex content item made up of other content items such as widgets and its layout. We can lock and/or deploy the whole page or just one or more of its content items.  

Content Lock

The CV ecommerce MCM function that allows some content types to be lockable. 

Content Manager

A CMS user role that allows users to view, lock/unlock and deploy content but no administrative right to enable or disable MCM features. 

Content type

How content items are grouped. Content type organisation closely follow the arrangment of menu items in the CMS. Examples of content type: Pages & Templates, Articles, Campaigns, Products  

Data type

A data type contains one or more content items. It is a useful term for understanding the deployment of Product and Category content items. These are not deployed individually but in data type groups. For example, a product data type is SEO Fields. It contains several content items, e.g., SEO Fields includes the 'SEO URL', 'Meta Page Title', etc. To deploy any of these items, the data group must be deployed.  

Deploy button

A button usually located at the top of the screen that displays when a top level content item can be deployed.

Deploy option

A Deploy item from the Options menu that displays so that a specific content item in a complex content item can be deployed. Example: Selecting the Deploy item on a locked widget's Options menu will deploy only the widget and not the whole template.


The event of copying over content from a source site to a target site. In a deployment, one or more content items are deployed to one or more target sites.

Deployment modal

The deployment popup screen where deployment takes place. Example: 

Linked site

CV ecommerce sites grouped under one organisation on the CV ecommere platform. Only linked sites can be added as  target sites.

Lockable content

Content types with items that can be locked. Not every content type is lockable. 

Locked status

When a lockable content item is locked. On a single site, locked status restricts editing and deletion to CMS users with the Admin or Content Admin roles. On a target site, no CMS user can edit deployed locked content items. Admins on the source site can unlock the content item by re-deploying the item in unlocked status.  

Source site

A CV website where data is deployed from.  

Target site

A CV website where data is deployed to.

Unlocked status

A lockable item that is unlocked for editing. To unlock a deployed locked item on a target site, unlock the locked item on the source site and deploy. This will deploy only the unlocked status.    



Table of Contents

Deployment Result Messages

There are two levels of result messages for each deployment event: 

  • result of the whole deployment event (was the whole deployment to all target sites successful?)
  • result of the data items sent (per site) (was all content/data items deployed on a target site?)

Deployment event result

A deployment event can have one or more deployment instances depending on whether there is one target site or multiple target sites.

Failed deployment

Single target site: At least one item cannot be successfully copied over and the whole deployment instance was cancelled.

Multiple target sites: Nothing was copied over to any selected sites.

Partially successful deployment

Single target site: n/a

Multiple target sites: All items were successfully copied over to at least one target site, AND at least one item failed to be copied over to at least one other target site. 

Successful deployment

Single target site: All content/data items were successfully copied over to the target site.

Multiple target sites -All content/data items were successfully copied over to all target sites.   

Content/Data items results (per site)

If errors are encountered during the deployment of specific data items to a target site, each error is logged. If there are data errors for a specific site, deployment will be flagged as 'failed' near the bottom of the Content Deployment Log page. A More Info button provides access to the specific errors found. 

Related help

Content by Label
cqllabel = "multi-site" and title ~ "'content lock'"

Content by Label
cqllabel = "multi-site" and title ~ "'deploy content'"