Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. In PRONTO:
    1. Ensure the latest proledb.spl import program is installed
    2. Set up a new entry in the $PRONTO/lib/printers file as follows:
      cssinvoice, type=trueform, lpr=/xxx/lbin/cssinvoice $1, no_ff, no_form_type,
      where xxx is the pronto directory (e.g. /home/pronto/lbin/cssinvoice would be the full path if /home/pronto was the PRONTO directory)
    3. cd $PRONTO/lbin
    4. vi cssinvoice
    5. insert the following code: (use i for insert)
      cat $1 >/tmp/cssinvoice 
    6. Save the file (:wq!)
    7. chmod +x cssinvoice
    8. Determine the PRONTO vritual printer for emails from TrueForms - its normally called "email" or "ztf-email" or similar
    9. Login to PRONTO
    10. Access the Override program table (SYS.M359)
    11. Enter the following codes:
      1. CSS_EMAIL: set the the name of the virtual printer (from h. above)
      2. CSS_EM_FR: the name of the from address (e.g. accounts)
      3. CSS_EM_DM: the domain name (e.g. - this would make the full from email =
      4. CSS_INVPRT: set to TF 
    12. Ensure the Commerce Vision user (normally commvisi) does not have the "spool" option set in the credit limit officers table.
  2. On the Integrator:
    1. Go to "Settings"
    2. Go to "Advanced" tab
    3. Check the "Check Invoice Reprints" box
  3. On the website:
    1. Login as administrator
    2. Go to "Preferences"
    3. Go to "Browse"
    4. Tick "Allow ERP Invoice Reprint"
    5. Click "Update"
    6. Create a new content template for the message to show customers once the request has been made
    7. Go to "Content' - "Assign Default Templates"
    8. Assign the new template to "Invoice Re-print Confirmation Template"
    9. Click Update



Content by Label
labelsinvoice reprint orders treuforms pronto