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Meta tags are text snippets that describe the content of a page. They are not visible on the page itself but are located in its source code, usually in the <head> tag of the page. You can view the source code by right-clicking your mouse, then selecting Inspect (or by pressing F12). Find the <head>...</head> HTML element and open it.  If this meta name tag has been added, you can scroll down the source code and find it. 

The<meta name="Description"> Meta Description Tag is a brief description of the page (max. 160 characters). It is often displayed in search results. A targetted and clear description of the page will help improve click-through rates from search engine result pages. 

Here is an example of a meta description tag for a Home Page: 

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titleMeta Title Tag

You can add meta description tags to standard, custom, article, product and category pages yourself. To add a meta title tag (briefest and clearest summary) for a page, please contact Commerce Vision.   

Every page and template on your CV eCommerce site has a Page Properties section, where you can view/edit existing metadata and other SEO details. Metadata communicate important information about a webpage and are mostly invisible to website visitors (but some of it appears in search engine results). 

Depending on the page type, you may be able to edit or add to the metadata. Templates generally have limited SEO details while a page (custom and standard) will have more that can be changed.

Here's an example of SEO settings found by a search engine.

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On this page:

Table of Contents

Step-by-step guide

titleWhat meta data settings will be used on my page?

Meta description tags are set in a hierarchy.

  • Global Setting Level
  • Page Level
  • Category Level
  • Product level

By default, the system uses the Global setting if set and no meta description has been added to a page, product or category. NOTE - It is not recommended that the global description be set as each page should have a unique description.

Standard Page

Standard pages are those that come with the Customer Self Service platform out-of-the-box.

  • To add meta description tag for the public Home Page ('home.aspx' before a user logs into the site), please contact Commerce Vision.  
  • For all other standard pages, you can add the description yourself but you will need to know the page name, e.g., cart.aspx, orders.aspx, etc.

To add a meta description tag to a standard page: 

As Administrator logged into your website, navigate to ContentMenu Editor. (/zMenus.aspx)
Click the PUBLIC menu code radio button. NOTE - Since search engine crawlers only access publicly accessible pages, it is generally necessary only to add meta name descriptions to PUBLIC pages. However, you can add the description to any page in the list.   
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Click Parent Items.
  • Scroll through the page names to find the page required, then click the radio button.
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  • Click Modify.
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    In Meta Description Tag, enter a brief description relevant for the page.
  • To save, click OK.
  • Custom Page

    Custom pages are those that your business has added to your site. See: Custom Pages.

    When adding a custom page, in the Page SEO Details section, enter a relevant SEO Description.

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    Existing Custom Page

    For an existing custom page, to access the Page SEO Details section, find the page, click Edit, then Options, and select Page Properties.

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    Article Page

    When adding an article page, in the SEO Details section, enter a relevant SEO Description. See: Article Maintenance.

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    For an existing article, find the article, then click Edit to access these fields.


    To add a meta description tag to a category: In Category Maintenance, click Edit for the category or subcategory. 
    Find the SEO Fields section.
    In Meta Description Tag, enter the meta description for the page.
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  • To save, click Save & Exit.
  • Product

    To add the meta description tag to a product: 

    In the CMS, navigate to Product & CategoriesProduct Maintenance
    In the SEO Fields section, in Meta Description Tag, enter the product description.  

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  • To save, click Save & Exit.
  • Global Level

    Global settings are intended to apply default meta tag text to every page on your site if the same meta tag has not been added for a specific page. 


    It is not advised that the global setting be used as the same meta name keywords and description will be rendered for all pages and products/categories that do not have specific meta data.

    To add the meta description tag at the global level so they appear on every page without a unique description:

    As Administrator in the CMS, navigate to Settings → Settings. (/zSettings.aspx)
  • The General tab will default.
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  • In META TAG Description, enter a brief description. 
    To save, click the Update button at the top of the page

    Page Properties fields: 

    • Page Name - Id of a page or template. Standard pages and templates have default page names. For a custom page, the name was entered when it was created. Page names cannot be edited.
    • SEO Friendly URL - SEO optimised URL entered as a SEO/user-friendly link when the page was created. It should be short and keyword-rich to improve click-through rates. It will display as the shared link on a social media page and in search engine results. Instead of the actual URL, it can be used in the browser URL bar on your site. 
    • Browser Page Title - Page title or SEO title contained in the HTML title tag. This is Important as it may be the first thing a search engine user sees on the results page, even before they get to your site. Also used as the tabbed browser title. 
    • SEO Description - Metadescription that summarises a page's content. Shown in search engine results below the page title if no site content more relevant to a visitor's search terms are found.
    • Image Name - OG image displayed when the link is shared.

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    Step-by-step guide

    To access Page Properties:

    1. Go to ContentContent Pages & Templates.

    2. Find the page/template you need.

    3. Hover on Options, then click Page Properties.
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    4. View/edit the page's SEO details. The fields available depend on the page type.

      Template - contains the template's page name only and cannot be edited.
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      Page - contains the page name and SEO Friendly URL, which cannot be edited. Other fields can be edited.
      • SEO Description - summary of page's content displayed by search engine
      • Browser Page Title - page title displayed in browser bar
      • Image Name - upload OG image for sharing

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    5. Click Save or Save & Exit.

    Related help

    Content by Label
    cqllabel = "seo" and type = "page" and space = "KB"
    labelsmeta data product metadata maintain maintenance