Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Widget Use


Displays the available payment options and quote request (if enabled) to the user at checkout.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Image Removed

 Image Added

Where can the Widget be placed?


  • Checkout Template
  • Checkout Quote Template
  • Guest Checkout Template
  • PayPal Express Template


Widget Options

titleThird Party Payment Settings

For help on Afterpay, Openpay and Payright fields, see the relevant sections in Product Purchase Details Widget.  

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of
this widget's use.
We recommended this field be updated so
This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's
purpose is clear at a glance from This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required
use clear on the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

Use layering  to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one


user group but

different configuration is needed.The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget

with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time

Faq Page
The path

Path to the linked faq page


in the Credit Card message text.

An example is below:


Image Modified

: /faqAll
Show Numeric Card Expiry?
Determines whether
Whether numeric values are displayed for the expiry Month / Year in the
same format as used on credit cards. For example, when enabled the user would select "05" / "19" rather than "May" / "2019".

Default is: unticked

credit card numeric format or with the month in text. Example: '05/22' or 'May/2022'.

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Show Payment Provider Logo Only?
When enabled,
Display only the payment provider's logo
is displayed
at checkout
instead of the logo and credit card payment message?

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Quote Submitted Redirect UrlURL of page user is redirected to after submitting a quote.Default: CustomPage.aspx?CustomPage=QuoteSubmitted
Use Quote Confirmation Page?Display a confirmation page after a quote is submitted?





Toggle to enable


Disable Buy Now Pay Later for Export Orders?Hide Buy Now Pay Later options when an order is international?

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Quote Tab Heading 
The heading
Heading text
displayed on
for the Get Quote tab.Default
:  Get QuoteAll
We Will Call You Tab Heading Heading text for the We Will Call You tab.Default:  We Will Call You
3rd Party Instalments Tab Heading
The heading
Heading text
displayed on
for the
After tab (e.g.
no default3.85
Freight Quote For Carrier Tab Heading
The heading
Heading text
displayed on
for the Get Freight Quote tab.Default
: Get Quote For Freight3.82
Unallocated Payment Heading
The heading
Heading text
displayed on
for the Unallocated Payment tab.Default
: Unallocated Payment3.85
Order Password Error Message Message displayed to user when order password is wrong.Default: Your order password is incorrect, please try again.
Approval Message
The text displayed
Message to
prompt user
prompting them
to submit
an order for approval.Default
: Please ensure you click the process order button to complete your order and it will be sent for approval.All
Additional Approval Message
Any other relevant message when order is submitted for approval.No default
Account Message
The text

Message displayed to


user on the Account payment tab.

An example is below.


Image Modified

Your order will be processed and charged to your account once you click the "Place order on account" button.All
Additional Credit Card MessageAdditional text to
be displayed
display on the Credit Card payment tab.
No defaultAll
PayPal MessageThe text displayed to the user
Card Charge Info Message

Message displayed when a surcharge is applied to the total for paying by credit card.

Default: This {0} attracts a {1}% surcharge for a total of {2}.

{0} - Payment Type

{1} - Charge Percent

{2} - Surcharge Amount  

Credit Card Message

Message displayed to users on the credit card payment tab .

Default: Your credit card payment will be conducted directly via the {0} payment facility over a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection. {1} does not store Credit Card information, or have access to your Credit Card details.4.09
Credit Card FAQ Page MessageText about the FAQ page link included in the message shown on the credit card payment tab.Default: To View our policy on returns, refunds and deliveries, or for contact information, please visit our4.09
Credit Card Faq Page Link Text Text displayed for the /faq link in the credit card payment tab message.Default: Frequently Asked Questions4.09
PayPal MessageText displayed on the PayPal payment tab.Default
Once you are happy to proceed with this order, click on the Checkout with PayPal button and you will be redirected to the Paypal Payment Screen.All

Override Direct Debit Message

The text displayed to the user

(to be renamed 'Override EFT Message')

Text displayed on the EFT tab, in lieu of the default system content.

BPay Message
The text
Text displayed
to the user
on the BPAY payment tab.Default
Please pay this transaction now using your bank's BPAY facility. Once your payment has been received, we will despatch your order.All
Quote Message
The text
Text displayed
to the user
on the Get Quote tab.Default
Your order will be submitted as a quote.All
Freight Recalculation On Quote Acceptance Message (Used with the Online Only quote mode.) Message displayed when a user requests a quote and the Freight Recalculation setting is on. Default: Freight in this quote is an estimate only. Actual freight will be calculated when the quote is accepted and submitted as an order.4.37
Message to display if order balance is zero after adding gift cards.
The message text
Message displayed to a user who has covered the order total with gift card funds.Default
No payment required.3.78
Message to display if order balance is zero
The message text
Message displayed to a user who has no balance to pay.Default
: No payment required.3.78
We Will Call You Message
The text
Text displayed to the user on the We Will Call payment tab.Default
: We will call you for payment details. Please allow up to 1 business day for the call.All
Freight Quote For Carrier Message
The text
Text displayed
to the user
when freight charges can't be determined,
resulting in
and the order
is submitted as a quote.Default
: Your order will be submitted as a quote so that freight can be determined.3.82
Quote Submitted Redirect Url
URL for the landing page
the user lands on
after submitting a quote request.Default
: CustomPage.aspx?CustomPage=QuoteSubmittedAll
Third Party Instalments Message
The information text
Message displayed on the instalments payment option tab.Default
: You'll be redirected to the Afterpay website when you place an order.3.85
Unallocated Payment Message
The information text
Message displayed on the Unallocated Payment option tab.Default
: You have chosen to pay via unallocated payment.3.85
Payment After Approval Required Message
The message
Message displayed when the order still requires payment once approved.

No Approval Type Selected Message
The message
Message displayed when the user has not selected an approval type for their order.Default
: Please select an Approval Type.3.95
Afterpay Outro TextMessage displayed at the bottom of the Afterpay payment tab, just above the 'Pay with..' submit button.
Text on button if order balance is zeroThe button text displayed to a user who has no balance to pay.Default is: Complete Order3.78
Text on button if order balance is zero after adding gift cardsThe button text displayed to a user who has covered the order total with gift card funds.Default is: Complete Order3.78
Approval Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when a user sends an order for approval.Default
: Process orderAll
Account Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when a (B2B) user places an order against their account.Default
: Place order on accountAll
Credit Card Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the button when a user submits credit card payment for an order.Default
: Process PaymentAll
EFT Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the button when a user submits EFT details for an order.Default
: Process PaymentAll
BPAY Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when a user places an order to be paid by BPAY.Default
: Process PaymentAll
Quote Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when a user requests a quote for their cart contents.Default
: Submit QuoteAll
We Will Call Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when a users places an order and wishes to provide payment details by phone.Default
: Submit OrderAll
Unallocated Payment Label
The text
Text displayed on the button when a user pays an invoice using unallocated funds.Default
: Process Payment3.85
Third Party Instalments Button Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when a user places an order to be paid via installments (e.g.
zipPay / zipMoney).



: Pay with



{0} - payment provider

Third Party Instalments Label
The general text
Text displayed on the instalments payment option tab.Default
: Pay for your order over time in installments.3.85
Submit Order As A Quote Label  
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when the user submits a quote request.Default
: Submit this order as a quote.

Submit Order As A Quote To Determine Freight Label
The text
Text displayed on the submit button when
the user submits the order
an order is submitted as a quote
due to unknown
because freight charges cannot be calculate.Default
: Submit this order as a quote so that freight can be determined.
We Will Call You Prompt
The prompt
Prompt text displayed next to the phone number input field.Default
: We will call you for credit card details on:All
Select Approval Type Prompt
The prompt
Prompt text displayed as default / placeholder text in the approval type dropdown selector.Default
: Please select an Approval Type3.95
BraintreeUse (only for sites using the Braintree Payments gateway)Comments
Braintree LabelText for the Braintree Payments tab in Payments options at checkout.Default: Payment Methods4.31
PayPal Pay Later Messaging OptionsEdit PayPal Pay in 4 messaging.See: PayPal Pay in 44.31
Split PaymentsUseComments
Split Payments 'Payment Options' Tab TextLabel for the Split Payments tab in Payment options at checkoutDefault: Split Payments4.25
Split Payments Intro TextText line that introduces Split PaymentsDefault: Split allows you to make payments using nothing but bank accounts.4.25
Split Payment Info
Default: blank4.25
Split Payments Terms and Conditions URLURLDefault:
Split Payments Terms and Conditions URL LabelText for the Terms and Conditions linkDefault: Terms & Conditions4.25
Split Payments 'Pay Now' Button LabelText for buttonDefault: Pay with Split Payments4.25
Order DocumentsUseComments
Payment Types Requiring Order DocumentsOne or more payment types that need a document uploaded when order is submitted.Click a payment type to inlcude or remove.4.36
Display Order Document MessageWhether to display the order document message in the Upload Files panel 

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Order Document MessageText for the Order Document message and warningIncludes placeholder to display the payment type to user4.36
Tab LabelPayID tab name in Payment section of checkoutDefault: PayID4.39
Details HTMLInformation about PayID for the customer

Note Text Message about expiration of an unused PayID

Default: Your PayID will expire in {payIdOrderExpiry} minutes after you click the "Pay with PayID" button. Your PayID will be refreshed each time you click the button, allowing you to close and reopen the window at any time.

{payIdOrderExpiry} - placeholder for the expiry time entered in Azupay settings.

NOTE - You may also add that an unused PayID will automatically expire when the user's browser session is ended. 

PayID Button Label Label for button on PayID tab that opens the Azupay popupDefault: Pay With PayID4.39
Learn More Button TextLabel for button that opens an Azupay-hosted popup for more info. Default: Learn More4.39
Learn More URL URL of PayID's website.Default:
Modal HeadingHeading for popup that contains generated PayID details from Azupay.Default: Payment Processing4.39
Modal Confirm Button Label

Label for the payment confirmation button.

NOTE - This button lets the user manually confirm payment has been made. Clicking the button will close the Azupay popup and take the user to the Order Confirmation page. IMPORTANT - The order is placed on hold. The payment remains 'pending' until updated by Azupay. 

Default: PayID Bank Transfer Done

Modal Payer Message HeadingHeading for Modal Payer Message. (Optional)Default: <strong>Paying by PayID Bank Transfer</strong>
Modal Payer Message

Instruction to customer to return to checkout page after making PayID bank transfer and the purpose of the Cancel button. 

titleWhy add this message?

Returning to checkout is advisable for the customer who has paid.

  • If payment is confirmed immediately, the popup closes and the customer is taken to the order confirmation page. 
  • If payment is NOT confirmed immediately, the popup will NOT close automatically. The customer should select the PayID Bank Transfer Done button to place the payment into 'Payment Pending' status and the 'Payment Pending email to be sent. Payment status is changed to 'confirmed' only when a 'completed' status from Azupay is received. 



After making the PayID bank transfer in your bank account, return to this popup. In most cases, payment confirmation is immediate and this popup will automatically close. If it is still open, click PayID Bank Transfer Done to complete your order.

If you don't want to use PayID to pay for this order, click Cancel to return to your shopping cart.

Modal Cancel ButtonLabel for the button in Azupay popup that cancels use of PayID as order payment.Default: Cancel4.39
Modal TextMessage to customer when the system is communicating with Azupay for responseDefault: Order being processed by PayID, please wait.4.39

Related Resources

Content by Label
cqllabel = "cmspayment" and label = "widget" and space = "KB"
labelswidget cms

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cqllabel = "widget" and title ~ "product purchase"