- BPAY Account Payment Detail Widget — Renders BPAY payment information in the body of the BPAY Account Payment email. This email is sent to users who pay invoices or pay down their account balance using BPAY.
- BPAY Payment Detail Widget — Renders BPAY payment information, such as biller codes and references, in the BPAY Payment Detail email.
- Cart PayPalExpress Page Button Widget — Places the 'PayPal button at the bottom of the landing page of selected locations during the online shopping process. Clicking the button allows the user to checkout via PayPal Express, bypassing the usual delivery address and payment screens of the ordering process.
- Checkout Deposit Payment Widget — Renders the Checkout Deposit panel during checkout.
- Checkout Gift Card Payment Widget — Places the Checkout Gift Card widget in the checkout page, enabling users to pay with a gift card or redeem part of their gift card balance.
- Checkout Payment Options Widget — Displays available payment options and quote request (if enabled) to the user at checkout.
- Customer Payment Token Management Widget — Displays the text in fields in the Customer Payment Token Management screen.
- EFT Payment Detail Widget — Renders EFT (direct deposit) payment information, such as BSB and account numbers, in the EFT Payment Detail email.
- Email Credit Card Verification Link Widget — Adds credit card verification instructions in order confirmation and verification reminder emails, and includes a link to the validation page.
- Eway Fraud Alert Message Widget — Renders a warning message on the Fraud Alert email, advising of possible fraudulent activity as flagged by Eway. Message content will also include Eway's fraud error codes.
- Openpay Summary Widget — Renders Openpay marketing information for a product on the product detail page. Use this widget instead of the Product Purchase Details widget if you want to customise tagline placement on the template.
- PayID Payment Pending Widget — Renders the message body of the Azupay PayID payment pending email.
- PayID Payment Refunded Details Widget — Renders the Azupay PayID payment refunded message body.
- PayID Payment Successful Widget — Renders the message body for the Azupay PayID payment successful email.
- PayID Payment Unsuccessful Widget — Renders the Azupay PayID payment unsuccessful message body.
- Payment Cancelled Widget — Renders relevant messages and response codes on the 'Payment Cancelled' page (where a user lands after cancelling a PayPal payment, for example).
- Payment Icons Widget — Displays the logo of various payment options.
- PayPal Express Button Widget — Renders the PayPal Express button on the Product Detail page so that users can go straight through checkout via PayPal Express, bypassing the usual Delivery Address and Payment pages.
- PayPal Pay Later Cart Summary Widget — Renders the Pay in 4 messaging separately in the Cart page.
- PayPal Pay Later Category Summary Widget — Renders the Pay in 4 messaging on the Product List template.
- PayPal Pay Later Checkout Summary Widget — Renders the Pay in 4 Messaging separately in the Checkout page.
- PayPal Pay Later Generic Summary Widget — Renders the Pay in 4 messaging on any page or template.
- Product Afterpay Summary Widget — Renders the Afterpay information on the product detail page. This widget is used instead of (or possibly in addition to) the Product Purchase Details widget, to allow for customisation of placement on the page.
- Product PayPal Express Button Widget — Renders the PayPal button on the Product Detail page, allowing users to go straight through checkout via PayPal Express (bypassing the usual Delivery Address & Payment pages). This widget is used instead of (or possibly in addition to) the Product Purchase Details widget http://cvconnect.commercevision.com.au/display/KB/Product+Purchase+Details+Widget, to allow for customisation of placement on the page.
- Product Zip Summary Widget — Renders the Zip product summary information on the Product Detail page. Use this widget if you're using a zoned Product Detail layout, and would prefer an alternate placement to that provided by the Product Purchase Details widget.
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