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Widget Use


Allows the user to perform Displays a product search while giving with the option to specify that results be returned from within a particular category. Failure to  

If the user does not select a category


, the standard search results


 (from all categories) will apply.

Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Image Removed


Image Added

Where can the Widget be placed?


  • All Templates
    • Recommended placement: Theme Layout Template, in place of standard Product Search


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Placeholder TextThe background text displayed in the search field while there is no focus on the field. This text disappears once the user clicks within the field.

Default is: Search products...


All Categories TextDetermines the text that is displayed when the user is searching within the "All Categories" range.

Default is: All Categories


Search Button TextThe text displayed on the Search button.

Default is: Search


Use Suggestions?When this option is enabled, suggested searches will be offered to the user. These are based on previously entered (successful) search terms over a defined period.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Use Product Suggestions?

When this option is enabled, the user will be offered suggested products in a dropdown. They can highlight and select any suggested product to be redirected to its detail page.

These suggestions are based on Lucene index data.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Use Prior Purchase?Determines whether an option is displayed to the user to search within their prior purchases (rather than searching the entire site).

Default is: disabled

Tick to enable

Use User Favourites?Determines whether Favourites appears as an option in the category selector. If so, the user can choose to search within their favourite products instead of a product category.

Default is: enabled

Untick to disable

Search Page URLDetermines the URL that is used to search.

Default is: /search

Show Product Image?Determines whether a thumbnail image is included in the product search


 Use Suggestionssuggestions drop-down.

Default is: disabled

Tick to enable

Show Product Code?

Determines whether

product suggestions are offered to the user during search

the product code is appended to the description in the suggestions dropdown.

Note - this option is only compatible with product suggestions ('Use Product Suggestions?' option). Product codes do not show against search suggestions ('Use Suggestions?' option).

Default is: tickeddisabled

Untick Tick to disableenable

Include User FavouritesDetermines whether Favourites appears as an option in the category selector. If so, the user can choose to search within their favourite products instead of a product category.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

User Favourites TextThe text used to denote the 'Favourites' category in the dropdown selector.

Default is: User Favourites





Show APN Instead Of Product CodeDetermines whether the Australian Product Number is displayed in lieu of the product code.

Default is: disabled

Tick to enable

Place Holder ImageThe file path for the fallback image used for products with no image found.Default is: /Themes/BPDTHEME01/theme-client-updates/img/placeholder/product-image.png 4.03
Show Product Suggestions Heading?If the "Use Product Suggestions" option is enabled, you can display a heading above the suggested products with this option.

Default is: enabled

Tick to disable

Show Search Suggestions Heading?If the "Use Suggestions" option is enabled, you can display a heading above the suggested search terms with this option.

Default is: enabled

Tick to disable

Product Suggestions Heading TextThe heading displayed above suggested products (when "Show Product Suggestions Heading" option is enabled).Default is: Product Suggestions4.03
Search Suggestions Heading TextThe heading displayed above suggested search terms (when "Show Search Suggestions Heading" option is enabled).Default is: Search Suggestions4.03
Search Button TextThe text displayed on the search button.Default is: Search4.03
Search User Favourites TextThe prompt text that appears next to the user favourites search option (where Search Favourites is enabled). 

Default is: User Favourites

Search Prior Purchases TextThe prompt text that appears next to the prior purchase search option (where Prior Purchase is enabled). Default is: Prior Purchases4.03
Search Place HolderThe background text displayed in the search field while there is no focus on the field. This text disappears once the user clicks within the field.

Default is: Product Search

All Categories TextDetermines the text that is displayed when the user is searching within the "All Categories" range.

Default is: All Categories

3.90 - 4.02 only

Other Widgets

Content by Label
cqllabel = "cms" and label = "widget" and space = "KB"
labelswidget cms