Each Search Tool widget renders a search with a different set of features and options.
Product List Page widgets provide options for displaying the products found.
Content Results widgets provide options for displaying content page results.
- Search Tool Widgets
- Product Search With Preview Widget — Displays each product that matches the search text with related elements such as category, image, title, price, etc.
- Product Search With Preview Show All Button Widget — Displays the label on button that prompts the user to view more results when the Product Search With Preview Widget is used.
- Product Search With Preview Product Category List Widget — Controls the hierarchical category list structure for products matching the search keyword(s), when the Product Search With Preview Widget is used.
- Product Search With Preview List Title Widget — Renders the heading of the search results dropdown list when the Product Search with Preview Widget is used.
- Product Search With Preview List Grid Widget — Displays a message when your search returns no results. For use with the Product Search with Preview widget.
- Product Search With Category Widget — Displays a product search with the option to specify results from a particular category.
- Product Search Widget — Renders the standard search tool that allows the user to search products and/or content. Displaying product suggestions is optional.
- Product List Page Widgets
- Product List View Product Button Widget — Renders a 'View Product' button on product tiles in a List. On click of the button, the product detail page loads. This widget could be used instead of the Quantity Box and Add to Cart button widgets, so that users are navigated to the product detail page before purchasing.
- Product List Variant Selector Widget — Renders the product options (attributes) in drop-down format on the zoned product list view. Using the drop-down selector(s), the user can configure options before adding the product to cart.
- Product List Variant Options Widget — Renders the list of product options (variants) in the zoned product list view. From here, the user can edit quantities and add to cart.
- Product List Unit Of Measure Widget — Renders a unit of measure selector for products in the zoned list view so the user can switch between available pack quantities. This is used in scenarios where the same product is sold in varying units (e.g. available as Each or in a Carton).
- Product List Unit Description Widget — Renders the unit description for products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Title Widget — Displays the page title for a product list, such as search results, favourites, or product category lists.
- Product List Sort Widget — Renders the 'Sort By' selector for products found in a product list search results.
- Product List Sort Mobile Widget — Renders the 'Sort By' selector for the product list on mobile devices.
- Product List RRP Widget — Renders the recommended retail price (RRP) for products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Results Per Page Widget — Displays the results per page selector on the product list page. This allows the user to set and update the number of records shown on each page, where paging is in use.
- Product List Rating Widget — Displays the average star rating of an item in the product list view. Where no ratings have been submitted, a hyperlink will show instead.
- Product List Quick View Button Widget — Renders the 'Quick View' button on products in the category summary list. The button is displayed in lieu of Live pricing and availability data, which is retrieved on demand when the user clicks 'Quick View'.
- Product List Qty On Back Order Widget — Displays product quantity currently on backorder for the logged in customer. For list views (i.e. search results, product categories, favourites page).
- Product List Qty Breaks Widget — Renders quantity break information for products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Qty Box Widget — Renders the quantity input box with plus & minus buttons on products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Product Title Widget — Renders the product title for products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Product Field Widget — Outputs the data from a field in the product table, in the zoned list view.
- Product List Product Code Widget — Renders the stock code of products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Price Widget — Renders the price of products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Price Inc Widget — Use with the Tax Toggle widget set to inc-GST view to render a product's GST-inclusive price in a zoned layout. Replaces the Product List Price Widget (which is used without the Tax Toggle widget).
- Product List Price Ex Widget — Use with the Tax Toggle widget set to ex-GST view to render the GST-exclusive price of a product in a zoned layout. (Replaces the Product List Price Widget (which is not used with the Tax Toggle widget).
- Product List Pagination Widget — Displays a facility to navigate between multiple pages of products in a list.
- Product List Page Totals Widget — Indicates the number of products displayed on the current page, relative to the total number of products.
- Product List Notes Widget — Renders the Notes input field on each zoned tile in a product list. Please note, this field only displays when the products are viewed in List layout (rather than Grid).
- Product List Layout Switch Widget — Gives the user various layout options to choose from when viewing a list of products.
- Product List Image Widget — Renders the default image of products in the zoned list view, and if gallery view is used, the other images of each product as clickable thumbnails.
- Product List Image Switcher Widget — Renders an image switcher for presenting alternate views of products in a list. Rather than selecting a variant for an individual product and having the image switch, this widget will update the image for all products in the list at once (provided they have alternate images loaded).
- Product List GST Widget — Renders the 'inc' or 'ex' tax label on products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Grid Widget — Renders a product (or category) list. Contents are displayed either in a list or grid format. Also displays the 'we're sorry' message for searches that return no results.
- Product List Filter Widget — Renders the 'Filter By' options on the product list page. Customers can filter their search or browsing results by metadata values such as Brand, Size, Colour, and so forth.
- Product List Field Widget — Renders a list on the product detail page, with the option to add hyperlinks to other content.
- Product List Download Button Widget — Renders the 'Download' button on the product list page for products where 'Allow Download' has been enabled. On click of the button, a new tab / window is launched with the URL of the linked document file.
- Product List Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on products in the zoned list view. This widget only applies where Cost Centres have been enabled at the role level, via the 'Use Cost Centres' flag, and will only display when the user is viewing products in a List layout (rather than Grid).
- Product List Compare Widget — Renders the 'Add to Compare' tickbox and prompt on products in the zoned list view.
- Product List Click And Collect Widget — Displays the availability of products in the zoned product list view. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Product List Availability' widget.
- Product List Clear All Selected Widget — Renders a 'Clear all selected products' option in a cluster or product list. All products that have a quantity entered are reset to zero on click of the button.
- Product List Availability Widget — Displays the availability of products in the zoned product list view. The data is shown in icon format, with text prompts for each status.
- Product List Alternates and Accessories Widget — Displays a message on products which have alternates and/or accessories available. The text is rendered in a product list view where the zoned layout is in use.
- Product List Add To Favourites Widget — Renders the 'Add to Favourites' button on products in a list (for logged in users). Once a product has been added to the user's favourites, the button will change state accordingly.
- Product List Add To Cart Widget — Renders an 'Add To Cart' button on products in a list, such as search results, a product category, or the favourites page. Only applies to products using the zoned layout.
- Product List Add All To Cart Widget — Renders an 'Add All To Cart' button for products in a cluster or product list. All products that have a quantity entered are added to the cart on click of the button.
- Product Category List Widget — Dynamically renders the product category list.
- Product Category List Static Widget — Renders the product category list as a static cached version, for mobile device friendliness and page load speed enhancement.
- Order Restriction Filter Widget — Where Order Restrictions are in use, allows users to filter a list of products to see all products, purchasable products only, or restricted products only.
- Notify Me When In Stock Button Widget — Renders the 'Notify Me' button on out of stock products in the product list view.
- List Layout Switch Widget — Gives the user various layout options to choose from when viewing a list.
- Contract Item Filter Widget — Renders filter options for Contract items at the top of a product list (e.g. search results, favourites, category display). B2B users can choose to view only their contract products, non-contract products, or all products.
- Content Search Results Widgets
- Page Content Search Result Widget — Customise the 'no results returned' message when the keyword search does not match any static content on your pages or products.