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New Features



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    Product images in Price Book Export — Price Book Export users were able to generate PDF price lists, but the product images were not rendering correctly. Price Book Export functionality has now been updated to include images in PDF output.
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    Freight Quotes preventing checkout — BPD sites using Freight Quote functionality under certain circumstances were experiencing issues checking out. This has been fixed.
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    Product price display in Order Template view — In some instances, the inc- or ex-GST column data was incorrect when viewing an Order Template. the values in the ex-GST column were actually inc-GST (or vice versa). This has now been fixed.
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    Validation fix for unavailable products — Some websites with the 'Include Web Order in Availability' setting enabled were experiencing issues with the availability calculation and resulting validation at checkout. This has been fixed.
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    Confirmation email after Quote converted — In some scenarios, when Quote requests were approved and paid by credit card, a Quote Confirmation email would be triggered. This has been fixed and the Order Confirmation email is now correctly sent at this point in the approval process.
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    Additional address line for B2C Confirmation — The Order Confirmation Address B2C widget has been updated to include an option to show an additional address field. When enabled, a new line will be inserted as the first address field, bringing this widget into line with the Delivery Address B2C widget.

    The Email Order Address widget has also been updated with this option, so that the complete address will be rendered in order confirmation emails to the user.

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    APNs in Order Import — In some instances, the Order Import process was not correctly recognising APNs when used in place of product codes. This has been fixed.
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    B2B Delivery Address in Offline Order Emails — Delivery Address information was not displaying properly in offline order emails when the address was one of several stored in PRONTO for the customer. This has now been fixed.
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    Error message on Form emails — An issue was discovered with emails generated from questionnaires and similar forms. After upgrading to a particular version, these emails would not render the correct content, instead displaying an error message. This has now been fixed.
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    Filter options on iOS — An issue existed with filtering on iOS devices, in which the selected option did not display and the first option could not be selected. To rectify this, the iOS scroller now sits on a 'Please Select' option until the user scrolls to their selection.
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    Filtering products on mobile devices — A 'Please Select' placeholder has been added to the product filters on mobile devices. This is in support of the iOS-style scroller which does not select an option until you scroll to it (making selection of the first item on the list awkward).
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    Products loaded via Infinite Scroll not obeying Layers — In some instances, products loaded to the page via infinite/endless scroll were not obeying layer rules for display. This has been fixed.
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    PayPal Express receipt integration — In some instances, PayPal Express payment receipts were not integrating correctly to PRONTO, even though payment was received and the order was being processed. This has now been fixed.
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    Kit availability in alternate category — An issue was encountered where Kit items would not display the correct availability when it existed in multiple categories and was viewed in the alternate category. Kits without components also encountered this issue. This has now been fixed.

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