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New Features

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    Lump sum Account payments — A new 'Pay Generic Amount' option has been added to the Account Payment Widget, allowing lump sum payment to be accepted. These amounts will be automatically allocated to the oldest outstanding invoices first.
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    New standard Dashboard widgets — Five new standard dashboard widgets have been created for use out-of-the-box:
    1. Dashboard Account Status Widget
    2. Dashboard Articles Widget
    3. Dashboard Back Orders Widget
    4. Dashboard Product Favourites Widget
    5. Dashboard Recent Invoices Widget

    These widgets have formerly been custom implementations for B2B sites, but are now available to everyone!

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    Order ready for pickup message — The Email Order Track Details Widget has been updated with a new option - "Order Ready for Pickup Message". For sites using Pickup functionality (rather than Click & Collect), this option will be used to display a different message within the notification email for pickup orders. So users with delivery orders will see a 'Order shipped' message, and users with pickup orders will see a 'Ready for pickup' message.
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    Email Phone and Fax number maintenance — The Email Company Information Widget has been updated to allow maintenance of the actual company Phone and Fax numbers, rather than just their prompts. Updating either of these widget options will update the Company phone and fax number resources, so keeping things up-to-date doesn't mean changing it in 10 places!
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    Email Stylesheet override widget option — From version 4.10+, an 'Override Stylesheet' option has been added to the Email Style Sheet Widget, consisting of a CSS editor linked to a system-wide resource ('rcEmailStylesheetOverride'). Simply place the code for your custom email styles here, and the resource will be updated.

    This means that every email template using this widget will be customised with your override styles, extending your ability to customise your email styles in once place.

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    Exclude products by price code in Discount Promos — Our cart discount promotion functionality has been expanded! Now, you can exclude products by ERP price code from the promotion, meaning they won't be counted toward the spend requirement (and won't be discounted either, if you so choose).

    Got a whole host of contract products you don't want included in a promotion? This enhancement is for you.

    See our guide on Cart Discount Promo Codes for further detail on how to set up this type of promotion.

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    Prefill of B2B user details for Pickup — Contact fields for pickup orders will now be pre-filled with the logged in B2B user's details if these fields are empty at Checkout. Previously, this auto-populate behaviour was only performed in B2C scenarios.
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    Standard Freight support for Pronto stock unit — Standard Freight in CSS can now be calculated based on the weight and dimension data in Pronto Stock Unit. This allows for different freight calculations on the same product based on the unit of measure (ie. Roll vs Carton).
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    User-specific Promo Codes — All Promotion Codes have a new option for usage limits! You can now specify a user (or comma-separated list of users) to restrict the promotion to.

    Any user not specified in the User List will be unable to apply that promo code to their cart.
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    User Dashboard widgets — When users log into your website, at a glance, they can see their account status, new articles, back orders, recent invoices, and more. Pick and choose the info displayed to suit. 
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    Currency code for Google Analytics — Currency code information is now included in data sent to Google Tag Manager / Analytics when our 'Enhanced eCommerce' option is enabled.
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    Support for the IPSI Payment Gateway — The CMS now includes configuration options and backend support for the IPSI payment provider. If you have an IPSI merchant account, you can enter sandbox and production credentials to begin processing payments via the IPSI gateway.




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    Simplified Payment Cancelled messaging — The messaging displayed by the CopyPayment Cancelled Widget has been simplified, no longer displaying response codes and other feedback when a user cancels their own transaction. Now, the response codes and messages will display when an error occurs, but not for a user-cancelled payment.
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    Afterpay and Gift Card payments — Users applying Gift Card balances to their orders at checkout were previously unable to pay the balance of the order using Afterpay. This has now been fixed and users can now submit orders with mixed payment types, with the Afterpay tab updating to take into account the new order balance due.
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    Breadcrumb trail for Related Products — Users who clicked on a 'related product' when viewing a product detail page might've found the breadcrumb data for the related product was incorrect. We've updated the logic so that the related product's breadcrumb will once again accurately reflect the product's true location.
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    Duplicate images in Product Gallery — In certain scenarios, the image gallery on the product detail page would duplicate one of the thumbnail images displayed under the main product image. This occurred when the image was dragged from position 1 to position 2 in the CMS. The issue has now been fixed.
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    Product options grid auto-populating quantity — For products with style / colour / size options displayed in a grid on the product list page, the Add to Cart function for one option was automatically updating the quantity for all other options to the product pack quantity. This was obviously an error and the issue has now been fixed.
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    Persistent validation message — In some instances, the validation error that appeared when Delivery Address fields were blank would not clear once said fields were populated. On continuing to the next page of checkout, the message would persist until the user deliberately clicked 'Confirm'. This has now been fixed and the message will clear independently when the page reloads.
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    Promo Code not enforcing purchase requirement — The "Buy this many of product X, get product Y at a special price" promotion ran into some trouble and stopped enforcing the purchase requirement for the eligible product. We've now corrected this and the promo price will only be applied once the user has the correct quantity of eligible products in their cart.




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