
Kit items are defined in the ERP by an Item Type 'K' and a Bill Of Materials (BOM). The BOM is the list of all items that make up a kit. It's often beneficial to list out the kit's components on your website, especially if they are not in the product description. Sites on 4.31+ can also allow the components to be added individually to cart. Adding the components and BOM is done through the Kit Component Display Widget. 

Kit Components 

Kit Components with Add to Cart

Step-by-step guide 

  1. In the CMS, navigate to ContentPages & Templates →  Products

  2. Select the Product Detail template, and click Edit.
  3. In the zone you want to add the Kit Component Display Widget, click Add Widget

  4. Search for the 'Kit Component Display Widget' and click Add Widget.
  5. Select the options in the widget as required. If your site is 4.31+ , you have the option of allowing users to buy the components individually. See the guide to the Kit Component Display Widget

  6. When you have finished and want the widget to be applied straightaway, toggle ON Enable widget on Save.

  7. To save the settings, click Save.
  8. Check the kit components are displayed properly. In another browser or incognito window, launch your website and navigate to a kit product. 

Additional Information

4.31+ sites can allows kit component products to be added individually to cart from the kit product's page.

Minimum Version Requirements



4.31+ for add component products to cart.

Self Configurable


Business Function

Products & Categories

BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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