
Maintain products and categories for your store via the 'Web Product Maintenance' menu in PRONTO.

Step-by-step guides

Adding a New Category

  1. Navigate to 'Web Product Maintenance' → 'Category Review'. 
  2. The Category Review screen will display:
    • A list of top level categories
    • The number of subcategories and products within each 
  3. Click Entry / use the E key.
  4. The Sort Code will automatically populate with the next available number. You can change this or leave as is.
  5. Enter a Description for your new category.
  6. Enter a sort Order. This is the sequence, or where the new category will appear in the list.
  7. Hit the ESC key to exit input mode, then use the Down key to drill down to the next level.
  8. Add a subcategory by repeating the above process - click Entry, then enter a name and sort order.
  9. Click Up to go back up a level.
  10. Use the ESC key to exit Category Review.
  11. Integrate - 'Product Categories' - Send Changed.
    PRONTO - Category Review

Here's a quick video showing how to add new categories & subcategories. 

It's worth noting that in PRONTO, the 'ESC' key will take you back up a level or get you out of 'entry' mode, but your category list may not refresh correctly to show what you've just added.
If this happens, just exit and re-enter the Category Review screen to reload your data.

Adding Products to a Category

You can add products to a Category in 2 ways: Category Review or Stockcode Review.

Via Category Review
  1. Navigate to Web Product MaintenanceCategory Review.
  2. Highlight the required top level category and click Down to drill down to subcategory level.
  3. Keep drilling down until you get to the subcategory you want to add products to.
  4. With the subcategory highlighted, click Products.
  5. Click Add. The list of products will load (if your PRONTO is quirky, you may need to arrow up to see them).
  6. Click Find to search for a product code. Once it's found and highlighted, click Mark to mark the item for editing (you'll see an *asterisk* appear).
  7. Repeat Step 6 for any other products you want to add.
  8. Once all required products are marked, click Action.
  9. A popup will appear. The Action type should be 'A' (Add sort code).
  10. Hit Enter. PRONTO will auto-fill the Sort Code with the category code you came from. Leave as is.
  11. Enter through the Flag field and click OK. Your products have now been added!
  12. On the Integrator - send Changed for Product Master + Pricing.

Here's a quick demonstration: 

Via Stockcode Review
  1. Navigate to Web Product Maintenance → Stockcode Review.
  2. You can either follow the Mark & Action method noted above, or add products individually as follows.
  3. Click Find (or hit F) to search for a product code.
  4. With the required product highlighted, click Correct (or hit C).
  5. Hit Enter to get to the Sort Code field, then enter the code of the required category. If you're not sure what your category's sort code is, click the magnifying glass icon to find it.
  6. Hit Enter to confirm your changes.
  7. Repeat Steps 3-6 as required.
  8. On the Integrator - send Changed for Product Master + Pricing.

Here's how: 

Pasting from Excel

Did you know that products and their sort codes can also be pasted from an Excel spreadsheet? Simply navigate to Web Product Maintenance →  Paste from Excel, copy the data (1 product per line, format: stockcode, sort code), then paste via right click or PRONTO paste icon. Click GO and select whether current category info should be overwritten or appended with new pasted data.

How a PRONTO Sort Code is built

The final sort code comprises the 2 characters from each category level.  In the example below, the sort code 010302 would add a product to the 'Adhesives & Clips' category under 'Office Supplies' --> 'General Stationery'.
Sort Code example 

Adding an Alternate Category

Some products are displayed in more than one category. These products have a main category/sort code, and alternate categories/sort codes.  

To Add a Product to an Alternate Category:

  1. Login to PRONTO.
  2. Navigate to 'Web Site Category / Product Maintenance' --> 'Stockcode Review'.
  3. Click 'Find' or hit the 'F' key to search for a product by stockcode.
  4. With the required product highlighted, click 'Alt' or hit the 'A' key.
  5. Click 'Entry' or hit the 'E' key to add a new category.
  6. Enter the sort code of the new category.
  7. Hit 'Enter' to confirm the data entry.
  8. Repeat Steps 3-7 as required.
  9. Integrate - 'Product Notes' - Send All.

Product Accessories

Some products are associated with other, accessory products. The grouping of these is known as up-selling.

To Maintain Product Accessories:

  1. Login to PRONTO..
  2. Navigate to 'Web Site Category / Product Maintenance' --> 'Stockcode Review'.
  3. Click 'Find' or hit the 'F' key to search for a product by stockcode.
  4. With the required product highlighted, click 'Acc'.
  5. Add a new accessory product by clicking 'Entry' or hitting the 'E' key.
  6. Correct an existing product by clicking 'Correct' or hitting the 'C' key.
  7. Remove an accessory product by clicking 'Remove' or hitting the 'R' key; click 'Yes' to confirm removal.
  8. Repeat Steps 3-7 as required.
  9. Integrate - 'Product Notes' - Send All.

Product Alternatives

Some products are associated with other, alternative products. The grouping of these is known as cross-selling.

To Maintain Alternative/Cross-sell Products:

  1. Login to PRONTO..
  2. Navigate to 'Web Site Category / Product Maintenance' --> 'Stockcode Review'.
  3. Click 'Find' or hit the 'F' key to search for a product by stockcode.
  4. With the required product highlighted, click 'Xsell' or hit the 'X' key.
  5. Add a new alternative product by clicking 'Entry' or hitting the 'E' key.
    PRONTO Stockcode Review - Xsell 
  6. Correct an existing product by clicking 'Correct' or hitting the 'C' key.
  7. Remove an alternative product by clicking 'Remove' or hitting the 'R' key; click 'Yes' to confirm removal.
  8. Repeat Steps 3-7 as required.
  9. Integrate - 'Product Master + Pricing' - Send Changed, or for removals, Send All.

Product Notes

Product notes can be added for display on the web. The display method will vary from site to site, and the mapping is generally configured during the Implementation phase. 

To Add Product Notes:

  1. Login to PRONTO.
  2. Navigate to 'Web Site Category / Product Maintenance' --> 'Stockcode Review'.
  3. Click 'Find' or hit the 'F' key to search for a product by stockcode.
  4. With the required product highlighted, click 'Notes' or hit the 'N' key.
  5. Click 'Entry'.
  6. Assign a unique sequence number for the note line.This determines the order in which the line appears, relative to the other lines of text.
  7. Hit 'Enter' or 'Tab' to move to the next field - 'Notational Text'.
  8. Type the required note text.
  9. Hit 'Enter' or 'Tab' to move to the next field. 
  10. Repeat Steps 6-9 as required. 
  11. Hit 'Esc' to exit note entry mode.
  12. Integrate - 'Product Notes' - Send Changed. 
    Product Notes entry in PRONTO 

Product Keywords

For sites not employing Lucene search, keywords can be assigned to products in order to enhance search results.   

To Assign Product Keywords:

  1. Login to PRONTO.
  2. Navigate to 'Web Site Category / Product Maintenance' --> 'Stockcode Review'.
  3. Click 'Find' or hit the 'F' key to search for a product by stockcode.
  4. With the required product highlighted, click 'Keyword' or hit the 'K' key.
  5. Click 'Entry'.
  6. Type the required keyword. 
  7. Hit 'Enter' to confirm the data entry.
  8. Type the next required keyword, or hit 'Esc' to exit entry mode. 
  9. Repeat Steps 6-8 as required.
  10. Integrate - 'Product Notes' - Send All.
    Product Keywords

To add the same keywords to multiple products, try the 'Bulk Keywords' option. Mark the required stockcodes for action by highlighting and clicking 'Mark'. Then click 'BUlk-KW', and enter the required keywords. Select '1GO-Replace' to overwrite or '2GO-Add' to append the existing keywords. 

The 'Web-P' and 'Web-C' buttons can be used to call the web page of the highlighted product ('Web-P') or category ('Web-C'). The base URLs must be specified in 'Control Settings' under 'Category URL' and 'Product URL'.

Load web page via Web-P and Web-C 

For information on how to configure and maintain product metadata, see Configuring Metadata via PRONTO Web Maintenance.

Additional Information

Available functions include:


When you update products and categories in Pronto, these changes will be visible on your site the next time integration occurs. If your site is not updated, there may be an issue with the tables not clearing in the integrator's cache. Contact CV Support. 

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