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Renders the 'Filter By' options (metadata) on the product list page. Customers can filter their search or browsing results by metadata values such as Brand, Size, Colour, and so forth.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

Image Added

Image Removed 

Where can the Widget be placed?


OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version

A short description of the widget's use.

We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All

The layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Allow Combinations?

Determines whether the user is permitted to filter by more than one variable at a time. When enabled, the user can select multiple filter options and click the button to apply them all.

Note that when combinations are enabled, the entire list of filter options will be presented, not just those options which contain products.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show Clear All?Determines whether the 'Clear All' option is presented to allow the user to remove all filters at once.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Default Expanded Filters

A comma-separated list of

filter names

filters that you would like automatically expanded on page load.

Please note, these filter


Note - Filter names are case-sensitive and should not include spaces.

Example: Brand,Colour,Size
Show Price Filter?Determines whether a price filter option is presented, allowing filtering based on the integrated price for a product (NOT the calculated price).

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Default Price Filter Expanded?Determines whether the price filter is automatically expanded on page load, so that the price slider is always visible.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show Default Minimum and Maximum Price FiltersDetermines whether the min/max values specified here in the widget will be used when there are no min/max values associated with the category.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Default Price Filter MinThe minimum price value to be used if there is no min on the category itself. 3.94
Default Price Filter MaxThe maximum price value to be used if there is no max on the category itself. 3.94
Show Product Feature Count?

Determines whether a product count is displayed next to the feature name in the Filter list on selection.

For example - filtering by brand would display as "Apple (18)" if there are 18 product results when 'Apple' is selected.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Add Filtered Attribute Prefix?

Determines whether the metadata type is prefixed to the selected filter.

For example - "Currently Filtered By: (Brand) Reflex" rather than "Currently Filtered By: Reflex".

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Include Please Select Option In Mobile View? 

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Preview Top 5 Values

Displays the Top 5 (by number of results) filter values only, with a 'see more' indicator for the user to display all. This keeps filter options with many values from obstructing other filters on the page.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

No Filters Message The text displayed when no metadata is present to filter by.Default is: There are no filter options availableAll
Combination Button LocationDetermines the location of the 'Apply' button (top or bottom).

Default is: Bottom

Select via drop-down

Filter By PromptThe heading text displayed at the top of the widget.Default is: Filter ByAll
Current Filter PromptThe heading text displayed above the filters that are currently in use.Default is: Currently Filtered By...All
Clear All PromptThe label for the Clear All option.Default is: Clear All FiltersAll
Price Filter PromptThe label for the price slider.Default is: Price RangeAll
