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Widget Use


Provides Renders input field and button configurations for the Report Subscription screen.  You can customise the widget to display field Field labels, headings and text to suit your website needs and stylecan be edited.

Example of Widget Use

The following is an example of the widget in use. 

Report Subscription Search and Search Results

Image RemovedImage Added

Where can the Widget be placed?


  • Report Subscription Template

Implementation guides

Widget Options

Note - some fields display only if in use

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Show Active And Inactive Reports Flags?

By default, the system selects active reports only for Search. If toggled ON, the 'Show Active Reports' and 'Show Inactive Reports' checkboxes appear in the Search Reports function. 

Image RemovedImage Added

Default: ON

ON: Both checkboxes appear. This allows users to find both active and inactive reports, or just inactive reports.

OFF: Checkboxes do not appear. Users cannot select inactive reports.

Page Size

This sets the maximum number of pages to display search results. 

Default: 20


titleClick to view where input from a field is displayed in Report Subscription

1. Search/Search Results labels 1-6, 18-19, prompts 1-2

Image RemovedImage Added

2. Manage Subscriptions labels 7-12

Image RemovedImage Added

3. Subscription Log labels 13-17

Subscription Log labelsImage RemovedImage Added

1. Search Subtitle Label

The heading displayed for the Reports Search field. 

Default: Report Search


2. Search Show Active Label

Label for the Active Reports checkbox. 

Default: Show Active Reports

3. Search Show Inactive LabelLabel for the Inactive Reports checkboxDefault: Show Inactive Reports4.23
4. Report Name Label Heading for the report name in Search ResultsDefault: Report Name4.23
5. Report Description LabelHeading for the Report Description column in Search ResultsDefault: Report Description4.23
6. Report ID Label Heading for the Report ID column in Search ResultsDefault: Report ID4.23
7. Subscription Recipient Email Address Label Label for the recipient email address fieldDefault: Recipient Email Address4.23
8. Subscription Start Date Label Label for the Subscription Start Date fieldDefault: Start Date4.23
9. Subscription End Date Label Label for the Subscription End Date fieldDefault: End Date4.23
10. Subscription Frequency LabelLabel for the scheduling frequency dropdown listDefault: Frequency4.23
11. Subscription Active Label Text for the checkbox to make subscription active/inactiveDefault: Active4.23
12. Subscription Last Run Date LabelHeading text for the last run date column in Manage Subscriptions section  (displayed only if the report has a subscription)Default: Last Run Date4.23
13. Subscription Log Recipient Email Address Label Text for email recipient column in Subscription LogDefault: Recipient Email Address4.23
14. Subscription Log Sent Date Time Label  Text for date/time column in Subscription LogDefault: Sent Date Time4.23
15. Subscription Log Status LabelText for Log Status column in Subscription Log Default: Status4.23
16. Subscription Log Cc Label Text for Cc recipient column in Subscription LogDefault: Cc4.23
17. Subscription Log Bcc Label  Text for Bcc recipient column in Subscription LogDefault: Bcc4.23
18. Clear Search Button Label Text on button to clear current report searchDefault: Clear4.23
19. Search Button Label Text on button to initiate search for reportDefault: Search4.23
1. Search Title PromptReport Search section headingDefault is: Search4.23
2. Search Results Title PromptSearch Results section headingDefault: Search Results4.23
3. No Reports Available Prompt Text displayed when a Search finds no reportsDefault: There were no reports found.4.23
4. No Subscriptions Available PromptText displayed when the user clicks the Subscribe button for a report and there are no current subscriptionsDefault: There are currently no subscription log records for {0}. 4.23
5. Delete Report Has SubscribersText displayed in popup message when a user tries to delete a report that has current subscriptionsDefault: Cannot delete this report, still have some subscribers.4.23
6. Delete Report Confirmation Prompt Text displayed when a user clicks the Delete Report button.Default: Are you sure you want to delete this report?4.23
7. Delete Report Error PromptText displayed when user-initiated deletion failsDefault: There was an error while deleting this report, please try again4.23


Content by Label
cqllabel in ("generating-reports","report-subscription")= "reporting"

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