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Widget Use


Renders the 'Change Order to Quote' or 'Change Quote to Order' button on the delivery address page of checkout. This widget is used with enhanced quoting functionality, in which users can change the contents of their cart to a Quote request, and back to an order again.

Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:

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Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:


Widget Options


The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 


Default is: Change Quote to Order


The Quote Review page lets your customer users (set by Role) review requested quotes that your staff have gone through. For example, a discount may have been applied for a volume purchase or comments added. On this page, the user can accept a quote by converting it into an order, decline the quote, and ask for clarification. They can also request for an expired quote to be used.



Quote Review lets your customer users (set by Role) respond to requested quotes that your staff have gone through.


On this page:

Table of Contents

Access the Quote Review page

The Quote Review page is available for specified Roles when the Request Quote feature has been implemented on your website. It is usually added as a Dashboard menu item. (See: Add a Menu Item

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To access the Quote Review page:

  1. When logged in, go to DashboardQuote Review.
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  2. The Search Quotes page displays. This is a searchable list of current, expired and customer cancelled quotes that have been returned after confirmation by your staff. NOTE - Depending on settings, a search for 'Show All' may start when the page loads.  

    Search by Quote Number or in Advanced Search, enter a search criteria, then click Search
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    Quote Status: Show All, Current, Expired or Cancelled
    Quote Submit Date (start)/Quote Submit Date (end): submission date range
    Your Reference: Reference code that may have been entered when quote was created
    Entered By: User ID of person who submitted the quote (usually email address)
    Product Description: product code or description matching products in the quote
    Quote Followup Date (start)/Quote Followup Date (end): re-review date range of quotes that were sent for comment or re-review  

  3. Once the needed quote is in the Search Results, click View next to it. 

  4. The quote details are displayed. At the bottom of the screen, select the button that matches what you want to do.
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    Accept Quote: converts a current quote to an order. Note - For expired quotes, this is greyed and a Renew Quote button is displayed. The user can send a request to re-activate the quote.
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    Quote Followup: enter a comment about the quote. This will be emailed to the contact staff member
    Resend Quote: re-emails the quote to the user.

Customise the Quote Review Search and Page

Additional Information

Minimum Version Requirements

MultiExcerptNameMinimum Version Requirements



MultiExcerptNamePre reqs


Self Configurable

MultiExcerptNameSelf Configurable


Business Function

MultiExcerptNameBusiness Function


BPD Only?

MultiExcerptNameBPD Only





Third Party Costs

MultiExcerptNameThird Party Costs


Related help

Content by Label
cqllabel = "cms" and label = "widget" and space = "KB"
labelswidget cms